Friday, June 09, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 6/10/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 6/10/17
6/10/17 is the number 8. The world and life loops in a figure 8 of infinity. Never limit the possibilities of how your life can change and shift and never take anyone or anything for granted. This is a moment to recognize that the possibilities are out there for you to find but you are also at times blind to what is around the next bend. The only way to navigate that pattern is to be grounded and present in this moment fully. Only from being totally here now, can you discover the complex patterns of life that are constantly teaching us about this dynamic world upon which we live. No matter what, times are spinning more quickly and there is no time to wallow in the past. The choice is only to bring as much of yourself into the here and now as possible. When you are fully present you can see the patterns unfolding that the universe is creating to show you the next wave and lessons you are here to learn. This is a time of rapid change and as such it is imperative to remain as fully conscious as possible because attempting to make a sudden change when you are going very fast is never recommended. Each of us is being required to make many small subtle changes again and again, moment-by-moment to accommodate this rapidly expanding perception and global awakening that is happening.
The Moon starts out its transit in Sagittarius but then it will enters Capricorn. This asks you to accomplish something tangible. At 1:42 PM PDT, the moon makes a harmonious trine to Venus, a soft and gentle energy. Work in the morning and treat yourself to something sensual or luxurious in the afternoon. With a Capricorn Moon, you may wish to move towards more self-sufficiency. Getting to your goal is particularly important and you are aware of your responsibilities and how you are being asked to show up. You feel your judgment is sound, and practical matters are a large focus. While the Moon's opposition to Mars this afternoon can point to tension, distraction, and some impatience. You are in a good place for finding wisdom in traditional methods, and it's a strong time for bringing structure and robust design to your projects. With the possible exception of the afternoon, this is also an excellent time for decision-making.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I was made to be wild,
wicked and free,
to carve out my own
crazy destiny,
to find a place
in this world
where I can be
the most authentic
version of me
~Christy Ann Martine~

Consciousness is under attack in a way that perhaps we never saw coming.
That is because in our attempt at “kindness” we have become complacent to not calling out those whose ideas are toxic and come from an uneducated irrational mind.
You cannot have world peace when you allow those who believe that their opinions matter more than then facts.
Opinions are not real.
Beliefs are often not real and should not be allows to control, manipulate, or create laws that govern a wide range of people.
Those that want to exclude and eliminate others should not be allowed to hold office.
Those that actively want to hurt those with less power should be excluded from decisions that impact the greater whole.
Those with money and power that just want to look towards their own wealth at the exclusion of helping and evolving the world to a better place have the minds of children. It is time to draw a line in the sand and decide that selfishness, childishness, bribery, actively hurting and harming others with your power is not something to be tolerated in our government.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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