Friday, June 02, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 6/3/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 6/3/17
6/3/17 is the number 10. When you know you are powerful inside, it is because you also know who you are. When you know who you are you do not need to prove who you are because proof is only needed when your ego is in charge because egos need constant validation that they are okay. True power comes from being tested in a way that breaks down the ego and forces you to find and confront your true self. This life is about finding peace and harmony inside and outside. Satisfaction comes from being tested over and over again until you find a way through the challenge that was presented. Ego’s want to only try once and then to be validated. True power comes from not getting that validation yet trying again and again until you got the satisfaction from yourself. No one can see all the hidden scars from the challenges, hardships, and journeys from others. Ego’s like to wear those on the sleeve and show them off like badges on a boy scout uniform. True power needs no external markers of that power. The internal speaks for itself. And actions always speak louder than words.
Venus aligns with Uranus early Saturday morning to help you step beyond your comfort zone to try something new and different. When Venus perfects its conjunction to Uranus it inspires you to relate to one another in new ways or to seek out new pleasures. Surprising events, likely romantic, financial, and social, are in store now. Some of us have an opportunity to shine for what makes us unique. The Sun forms a trine with Jupiter midday, stimulating hope, optimism, and a desire to improve, impress, and do good things. You are seeking to grow and expand a venture, a relationship, your knowledge, personal philosophy or self-improvement program. Enthusiasm runs high, and cooperation comes easily. You might make grand gestures, show off a little, or simply feel that you are finally above petty problems and differences. Later today, those decisions may not seem as clear so stay flexible. The Moon is in Libra all day indicating that coming to a sense of balance and harmony is important.
~Suzanne Wagner~

The happiest people I have met
are people who have experienced
sorrow and climbed their way out
of it. Happiness of this kind is hard
to mimic any other way.
When you feel this type
of happiness, trees can make you
happy. The wind can make you smile.
The flowers can bring tears.
~Christina Rasmussen~

It is time to remember that this planet needs us now more than ever and as such, you can make choices and decisions that support this beautiful world. Buy only things that help you leave no carbon footprint on this earth. Pick cars and vehicles that support clean energy. We are lucky here in California as this is a place where most of the “Green Energy” movement started a long time ago and so most of you have been living that way for a very long time. But now it is time to recognize that California has enough money and people to sway the industries regardless. California’s buy more products and so everything you buy is working the corporations to cater to what you will buy. Once Californian’s buy it then they will have to offer it other places. We can set the standards for this country, because we already do. You have great power in your choices and the corporations want to sell products. If you refuse to buy “dirty” products they will stop manufacturing them. There are those out there that think that this situation in Washington is out of control but that our representatives are not listening (except California and some other amazing politicians). But you can change Washington by changing your buying habits. You change the corporations and they will change Washington. (Not that I don’t want the lobbyists out of the mix completely and for us to radically change our government.) But right now, this is what you can do on a daily basis. Since our government is not listening, you know that the almighty dollar does speak to the corporations and the shareholders. When money talks Congressmen walk in the direction that the corporations want.

~Suzanne Wagner~


At 10:55 AM, Blogger reformingegotist said...

Loved what you said about ego: "True power comes from being tested in a way that breaks down the ego and forces you to find and confront your true self."


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