Thursday, June 08, 2017



Osho Zen Tarot: Experiencing, Morality, Guidance
Medicine Cards: Lynx, Otter
Mayan Oracle:
Portal of Transcendence, Hologram
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Strength, Queen of Disks, Four of Wands
Aleister Crowley Deck:
Prince of Swords, Knight of Swords, Gain
Healing Earth Tarot: Man of Crystals, Nine of Rainbows, Woman of Shields
Words of Truth: Opportunity, Withholding, Humor
Awareness is the key to finding your core morality. Unless you find that awakened awareness within you then your feigned morality is just a thin layer of ego and projection that can be destroyed by anyone at any time. Morality must come out of awareness not out of a certain teaching or discipline. Just because you repeat certain behaviors, mantra, traditions, prayers, etc. does not make you a moral person.
But when your morality comes from awakened consciousness then you cannot do anything that is not good for the greater whole. You cannot in good consciousness do things that cause harm or are destructive in nature. As beautiful as ritual is in spirituality and religion it can also be used to numb out and to go unconscious. And because you are doing, “what you are told” by the tradition you believe yourself to be a person of good morals and values.
But you must be awake to be willing to act upon those values. You must be awake to notice others suffering and then to do something about it. If you believe that you are a person of strong moral character, ask yourself the question, “What have you done recently for others from a place of unconditional love, caring, and a desire to help someone who is suffering?”
Yes, there are levels of growth when you have to find that morality and inner knowing first before you can evolve into a place where you can serve others but the end goal is always to serve others in some way. Most of us know what is right and wrong but when someone else outside you is doing something clearly wrong, what do you do? Do you ignore them, confront them, challenge them, help them see where they are not seeing a bigger picture? It is not easy to decide in a spontaneous moment what is the better choice and if your energy and effort is worth it or if that person is locked down in a particular position and unwilling to open and see another viewpoint or literally does not have the capacity to understand because of where they are in a growth level and development of their mind/body/spirit.
We are clearly in a time when the “Keeper of Secrets”, the Lynx is attempting to teach you about the truths that are hidden inside your being and outside in the world around you. Clarity comes from a playful openness, such as the Otter has. Otter energy is very alert and aware and that awareness gives it that ability to play even in intense situations. Even danger can be a doorway for playful exchange because when you know who you are and you are completely awake, there is less to be afraid of.
That rigidity in your mind and needing the world to fit conveniently into your nice little box is a ridiculous assumption. It is time to concede that you are not going to be “all-knowing” in this life. But what you can be is fully awaken and engaged in this constantly changing kaleidoscope of life. And that should be enough to bring you the enlightenment that you seek to achieve in this life.
When you only live in the mind and not in the body you are not fully experiencing what is being so generously offered in each and every moment.
As we move in the direction of the Four of Wands, “Completion”, we finally begin to feel that the rule of law, order, and government is beginning to work as it was designed to do. It has been a lengthy battle for all of us and holding a position that is morally, ethically, and energetically aligned with the greater good is hard to do when there is so much distortion that has been attempting to confuse and conflagrate us away from the pure, innocent, truth that has been right there all along.
What you have been holding back now has an opportunity to be released. You can feel that your choice to stand up and stand (potentially) alone was necessary for you to find your core and your center. There is a calmness that is creeping into the reality and there is a feeling of potential stability attempting to reground you into a place of better harmony. We still have a long way to go and this is only a temporary breather in a much bigger pattern and plan that the universe has for all of us but you want to take a pause when it is offered and move in the direction of more joy and connection with family during this very astrologically engaged month.
You are strong enough to handle this energy. You can use these past moments as ways to test your resolve and commitment. You cannot go from a beginner to a master without life testing to see if you can handle the energy and power that comes only from experience and the learning of truth and who you are. Expansion is exhausting. Healing and letting go of toxic energy that you have been force fed through the media is also exhausting. You must let go and empty yourself from all that you have previously known in order to become something bigger. You have to let go of the lessons and steps that got you here so you can be propelled by their energy into a new space and dimension. Some tools are only the fuel to get you to the next plane of existence and they cannot follow you there. But they were necessary to help you become who you are.

Venus is in talkative Gemini most of this month and it brings a much needed quick and fun energy back into the mix. Take time to meet new people and get to know them. Do classes that are quick and engaging for the expansion of who you wish to become. Know that the week of the Full Moon on 8th (which includes the 4th of July) is going to be difficult and challenging. Pluto the planet of transformation and change is engaged with impatient Mars (which wants it way right now). Use this energy to get in touch with your deeper and more hidden emotions. Get in touch with your inner vulnerability and allow that to soften the hardened armor that you might still be wearing. Know that we are building up to the eclipse month of August and so have fun and use the energy of Mars moving into Leo at the end of the month as a way to shed the emotional intensity of the past year and allow for something new to be born in August.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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