Saturday, June 03, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 6/4/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 6/4/17
6/4/17 is the number 20. Take it slow. There are some major conflicts coming up in this day. The duality seems more divided than ever and figuring out how to do those next steps when on so many levels there are huge obstacles and resistance coming from all sides. Take one thing at a time. That is going to be the better outcome on a multitude of levels. If it does not have to get done, you might wait for another day. If you experience too much resistance then take a break. Go for a walk and then come back to it.
On Sunday morning, the energetic Sun challenges spiritual Neptune. On one level, you are stimulated to open your intuition. The Sun's square to Neptune today can weaken your resolve until you incorporate imagination or spirituality into your approach. There can be some temporary loss of focus or confusion about your direction. You may have a hard time defining your actions and goals. Be careful to not lose sight of reality and reason. This can be a time for increased spiritual awareness, imagination, and inspiration, although you might first struggle as you learn to navigate this new way. On another level, you may want to sleep in. Also on Sunday, Mars moves into Cancer until July 20. Generally speaking, this is a cautious and conservative aspect, but you will fight for, about, or on behalf of those people and things that are dearest to your heart. This is a bit of an uncomfortable combination, but it can help you with home projects. Do practice patience with family members. Early today, Mercury forms a quincunx to Saturn and suggests communication challenges that make it hard to get your point across, or to get from point A to B without experiencing a major hassle. It can also lead to mental blocks or difficult decisions. The Moon is in Libra all day, and you can be primarily focused on getting your life or surroundings in a state of better balance.
~Suzanne Wagner~

You are light even if you see the darkness.
You are light even if others do horrible things to you.
They are light even if they feed their hatred and fear.
They choose to focus on that because they too forgot they are light.
When you hold light as sacred,
You will unfortunately see much darkness.
The stronger the light you hold and shine,
the more your light will illuminate the shadow world.
You are not a light bearer if you only choose to see the light.
That is not what light is for.
Light illuminates that which is hidden.
True light workers are not living with blinders on
focusing only on what is good and true.
True light workers shine the light
to show the way for those lost in the darkness
and they dive into that world unafraid
and willing to see that all things
created by God are divine.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Enjoy the flowers, enjoy this time.
Moments can change on a dime.
Relish this now and allow it to feed,
all the places that you need to seed.
Too often as humans we look back to the past.
Too often we want the future illusion to be the one that lasts.
But all you can hold is in this place now.
And that is enough to make your life a wow.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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