Sunday, June 04, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 6/5/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 6/5/17
6/5/17 is the number 21/3. It is interesting to note that with this number 3 you have to incorporate the duality of the number 2 and see both sides of all arguments in order to find the balance of the pyramid and the number 3. You cannot be truly positive unless you have incorporated both the positive and the negative inside and outside. Positivity without the wisdom that was gained by dealing and addressing the negativity comes across as shallow and hollow words, which it is. It is often a person reciting something that someone else said but it does not have the backing of the integrated experience that grounded truth demands. You can feel when it is just words without the deep, knowing of compassionate heart presence. You have to be willing to give yourself the gift of depth. You have to be willing to find that line inside your core and then stand on that line. That line is your integrity. And once you have felt that line on the deepest level, not only do you really know who you are but you know what you stand for and you know your purpose. Knowing that purpose does not mean then that everything goes easy. Many of us were born and tested to awaken at this time to hold a line for this planet and humanity. We can be the unsung heroes of our time if you are willing to reach deep inside and see the truth…..the whole truth.
The Moon continues its transit of Libra until 6:47 AM EDT when it enters Scorpio. The Scorpio Moon is more focused and intense. Do your best to really hone those skills in ways that are compassionate and honoring of life and love. This pattern can make you focus less on justice and harmony and more on aggressive positions. So be careful to bring truth and love always into the penetrating and deepening quality of Scorpio. This morning's semi-square between Venus and Neptune extends yesterday's foggy perceptions. It can affect where you place value on things and people. There is a tendency to gloss over problems or to see what you want to see, imagining the best or the worst. Remember that the truth is always somewhere in between. This evening, Mercury forms a minor challenging aspect to Jupiter and then harmonizes with Chiron. This can cause you having some difficulty concentrating on the most routine of matters, creating aggravation and frustration. There may be a tendency to overreact in all these emotional aspects right now. Remember, that underneath all the intensity, you have good intentions, and warm, healthy conversations are more possible tonight. It is suggested that you take a more holistic approach to problem-solving and decision-making.
~Suzanne Wagner~

There is never a moment
when truth is not essential for everyone.
There is never a moment
when your integrity is not going to be tested.
~Suzanne Wagner~

It takes a powerful force to awaken consciousness. And that is what is happening right now for all of us. It takes powerful darkness to awaken the deepest most powerful light you carry inside. On so many levels I am very grateful for that awakening at this time in history. But it is also very challenging and exhausting so it is very important to sleep, exercise, eat right, and connect in loving ways with friends and family so that you remember what you are fighting for and fighting to co-create on this beautiful world. “Waking up is hard to do!” In that process, be mindful that you do not become complacent as to the world suffering in the face of your own personal, governmental, and country oriented issues. We are being asked to have our hearts broken open to the suffering that has been inflicted on so many throughout history. Only by feeling our hearts opening in an orgasmic gasp of compassion can we save the world, humanity, and ourself. Karma is released when you lean out of your comfort zone and into the truth of each and every moment. All the universe ever asks is for you to bring all of yourself fully into each moment and to leave the ego behind in favor of your authentic soul’s expression.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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