Monday, June 05, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 6/6/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 6/6/17
6/6/17 is the number 22/4. Life is always about balance. I look in my life and I see younger people in the same energy overwhelm that I felt at their age. I was constantly rushing and believing that in some moment that if I just did enough, then at some moment in the future I could take a break or a pause. I truth most of the time we are working harder not smarter. And I am so grateful for age because you recognize that there are things that just do not need to get done. Learning how and when to take a much-needed break from reality and enjoy life can be very difficult in this busy world. Just remember that in the end when you are sick or dying you will need the love and support of those that have loved you so cultivating those relationships and showing how to make them a priority over the daily grind is very important. If you cannot make time for others, how can you expect them to make time for you when you need it?
The early work week is under a focused Scorpio moon, so you can accomplish a lot if you put your mind to it. Both Venus and Mercury both new signs today, and both enter signs they rule. Tuesday is a shifting day this week. Taurus likes sensual pleasures and manifesting its needs and desires. Venus enters Taurus and will transit the sign until July 4th. Some go in an artistic direction; other go in a “make money” direction for the rest of this month. Do things that help the streets like go getting a massage! You seek security and value that which lasts. Your appetite for things that give pleasure is strong. Taurus appreciates the here and the now as well as the world of the five senses. Tangible and physical expressions of love and romance are most important. So, use this energy to enjoy nature in all its glory. On the financial side, Venus in Taurus looks for high-quality, dependable, practical, and long-lasting items. Holding on to your possessions is more likely now, so getting that garage or closet cleaned out might not be your top priority. Venus performs well in Taurus.  Venus enters Taurus for the rest of the month and Mercury enters one of his favorite signs, Gemini, until June 21. Mercury in Gemini goes from one quick project to the next. When Mercury is in Gemini, you are especially communicative, curious, and sociable, although easily distracted. You tend to take more pleasure in gaining some knowledge of many subjects rather than dig deep into any one topic. You are particularly astute when it comes to arguing or making a point, and you are attracted to wordplays, puns, and negotiations. The Moon continues its transit of Scorpio all day, forming mostly harmonious aspects and finding easy release or expression.
~Suzanne Wagner~

“The most important thing in life
is to wake up to who you truly are.
You are not merely a personal being.
You are the living spirit of Truth.”

I just have to say that it frightens me beyond belief that there are people in this world with such anger and hatred for other human beings on this planet attempting to survive and figure out how to thrive. It makes me ashamed that the world now sees how dark and distorted the “Ugly American” has become. For years, we have been slowly but surely getting there. When I lived in Europe in the 1970’s into the 1980’s I would cringe when the loud, obnoxious, uneducated in languages, uneducated in other people’s culture, rude, entitled American tourists would come to Europe. It was embarrassing then and now it is completely intolerable. There are some American’s that have been festering a toxic hate for the growth and change that is the natural occurrence of this world and they seem to want to destroy this world rather than adapt, open and change themselves. That is insanity and many of them are acting on terrible ways to express that darkness that is enveloping their soul. It is as if the negativity has taken over their body to such an extent that now it has filled up that human vessel and now it must expand into others to poison them also. You cannot let the darkness win. You must fight such things with every fiber of your being. Otherwise you leave a world to your children that is unsafe and more dangerous than you could ever imagine. Is that what you want? Is being right so important that you destroy the legacy that this country was founded upon? As citizens and human beings that are dependent on each other and this planet we must make choices the support the life and well-being of all. If you cannot do that, then you create a world of such danger and hatred that no one and nothing will be safe.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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