Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 5/31/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 5/31/17
5/31/17 is the number 10. We are at the end of the month of May and fortunately we are in a 10/1 New Beginning Cycle as we bump our way into June. Power comes from the willingness to engage with what is right in front of you. Dealing with one issue at a time and staying on course for your spiritual and emotional progression is easier to do today because of this number. It gives you the energy and impetus to motivate yourself and move in a direction that is productive and in alignment with getting things accomplished. The more you move the more will get done. It is an easy and logical equation.
The Leo Moon's morning aspects reinforce your productive and creative urges. It's a strong time for securing or fleshing out the details of a creative project. It can also be a time of bonding or shows of support and loyalty in a relationship. With Mercury and Pluto forming a trine this morning, it's a good day for formulating strategies and making observations. Your mental faculties are attuned to otherworldly impressions, offering you increased insight, psychological understanding and awareness, and focused attention. This very focused influence promotes developing strategies and plans and using your persuasive skills. You are especially good at solving problems and getting to the bottom line. The Moon enters Virgo at 12:17 PM EDT, drawing out your desire to heal, help, and fix, and stimulating a need for order and predictability.
Let’s take a peek into the Month of June, 2017. Jupiter ends his retrograde cycle on the 9th (it has been there since early February), so the stuck energy of spring will get moving at a faster pace in the days ahead. Combine that with a variety of Mercury aspects all month and you have a formula for a bunch of short projects and activities that keep you on the move all month. Ambitious Mars will be moving through Cancer June 4 until July 20. Cancer is the sign of family, home and food. That supports home fix up projects and family visits. Since Mars enjoys exercise, take a walk after a big meal or choose home repair projects that require physical stamina (like splitting wood for winter). Communications planet Mercury makes aspects (relationships) to other planets all month long, suggesting a quick month filled with lots of projects and quick activities. That isn’t so good for major projects that require intense focus, so it is better to clean one closet at a time instead of doing a major remodel. Pay attention around the 16th when spacey Neptune is turning retrograde. It could be that you are just tired, but driving while tired is not so good (It is a good idea to do defensive driving during this cycle).
~Suzanne Wagner~

There are two kinds of forgiveness,
One that you know that forgiving
and giving the other person
another chance is the right choice
because they seem
to really have gotten the place
where they understand the mistake
and they have the capacity
and willingness to change,
then there is the other
where you recognize that you can forgive
the person but you must move on without them
because they are unwilling to change or grow
beyond their present level
of understanding and awareness.
You can forgive someone
but not want to play in their sandbox.
You can forgive them and allow them
to continue their karmic journey.
After all, wisdom is learned and earned,
not taught nor bought.
~Suzanne Wagner~

We have anger when someone over-rides the boundaries and rules upon which we tend to base our life. The reason that anger is one of the primary emotions and a part of this world is because anger is essential to wake us up and to realize that the rest of the world is not operating within the narrow standards of our life. It forces us through discomfort to look at the rules upon which we gage our successes and failures. It shows us the ugly side of our rigidity. You will never be able to get everyone to agree with your standards. You can only make laws and rules that require respect for all of life.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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