Saturday, May 27, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 5/28/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 5/28/17
5/28/17 is the number 7. The number 7 indicates that the patterns of life are changing is ways that are very new and challenging to deal with. We have definitely stepped through some type of doorway into another world and for a time this new reality is a journey that each of us must take. Clearly there are lessons to be learned and clearly this is waking us up out of a place of nebulous complacency. Reality has the word, “real” in it and there are those of us out there that really do not want to take in the intensity of this “new” reality. Yet, to navigate any new world you must understand the patterns that are inherent in this world and you cannot transcend something that you do not know or are willing to honestly look and evaluate. So many want to just go back to the mindless pattern that they were accustomed to over the past many years but failing to be in the now is a dangerous game to play when we are in such transitional times. Yes, I know that it is a lot to take in and there will be moments when you wish to take a break. And that is a healthy approach. But no one can crawl back into the old “reality” box. To do that would be a type of denial and denial never gets you anything but more suffering. The number 7 is about seeking truth and the knowledge that must go with that. Only by allowing in the experiences of life can you turn knowledge into wisdom. But you cannot have wisdom without first seeking awareness.
A Mercury-Neptune sextile perfects this morning, expanding your mind and encouraging the expansion and expression of your imagination. The Moon is in Cancer all day, and that will draw you to what's familiar and safe. Mars is closing in on an opposition to restricting Saturn, exact early into the day tomorrow but influencing you today. Circumstances or people tend to stand in your way or discourage you from seeking your desires, which can cause some feelings of resentment or frustration. It can be difficult to assert yourself directly or in an otherwise healthy manner. Know that your assertions will probably meet with a brick wall. Your desire to take action and to constructively express your aggressive urges feels thwarted or blocked. With waning motivation, you might find it particularly hard to get through your routines as quickly as you wish. Today, slow down and be patient. At this time, you may recognize the need to adopt a humbler, more mature, or more conservative approach.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Can you feel the waves as they move through the ground.
The power of the ocean is a forceful rhythm that pounds.
It pounds through the patterns that run through your head.
It drowns out the thoughts, the noise, and the dread.
Let the nature change the game.
Let the rhythm bring you back to that internal flame.
That flame that burns in the darkest night.
That flame that burns distortion into insight.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I wish everyone a happy and fun filled Memorial Day Weekend. Take a moment to remember and reflect on those that have come before us that have sacrificed so much for the freedoms not just for ourself but also in the world. It is through remembering that we look at the past and what we have done well and what we have perhaps not done so well that we can learn from our experiences both positive and negative and move through the brutal honesty of truth and find new ways to continue to expand love and light.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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