Sunday, May 28, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 5/29/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 5/29/17
5/29/17 is the number 8. The number 8 asks each of us to find the emotional center in our body. For each person that is different. For each person, how they assemble their reality around an emotional wound or truth is unique and different. Mario Martinez says in his book, “The Mind/Body Code” that there are three major wounds, betrayal, abandonment, and shame. And that each one of us have all of those, though we identify with one or more of them and can often use them as a shield of sorts out into the world and then the world responds to what we are putting out. Today, take a look at how you personally hold those emotions and analyze how they define you or how they define your world. Then take a risk and makes some choices to let the attachment go to those wounds and loosen up the filaments that are holding them in a particular spot in your nervous system.
The Moon moves into Leo for the USA Memorial Day holiday on Monday. Let this playful and fun energy start the week off for you. Mars also makes a mild harmony with Uranus early in the week. Spend time with friends or try something just a bit outside your normal habits. The month ends with a productive Virgo moon and conversations that can go to a deeper level. It is a good day for expressing deep emotions or projects that require focus. Early in the day, Mars perfects its opposition to Saturn, and you may be dealing with some sort of a reality check or things may need to slow down. General conditions or people can appear to stand in the way of progress. You are getting the message that perhaps you have been moving too quickly and it would behoove you to draw upon some patience. These early-day frustrations subside, and you rebuild enthusiasm, ideally with a stronger sense of reality, as the day advances. This is helped along by the playful, creative Leo Moon with us from 8:13 AM EDT forward. You are cooperative and seek out diversity today. It can be a powerful time for mental rapport and useful, two-way conversations.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I like art,
and by art I mean
music, poetry, sex,
the human body,
of this is art to men.
~Hunter Reveur~

Do you allow the world to dictate how you move and flow in life or do you use the pieces that are being presented to you and weave them into unique designs based upon your personal creative expression? There are always choices in life and each of those small or large choices give you a bit of control over how you choose to experience this reality. I prefer truth over fantasy. I prefer compassion over power. I prefer justice over prejudice. I prefer to support a kind world and waking up those who are still asleep. I prefer to make others uncomfortable especially if they are wanting to hide their heads in the sands of distortion and their own lies. I prefer to live in a world where each person has a possibility for moving into their potential through education and opportunity. I know that there are many who want those same things and values that have always been a part of the American Dream.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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