Friday, May 26, 2017

Numerology for 5/27/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 5/27/17
5/27/17 is the number 6. The number 6 asks you to contemplate the direction of your life and choices. Every small choice is a stepping stone that you pick up to create your reality. Every intention is you placing that stone in a position that builds that idea into an actuality. Where you are aware is where you are an actively conscious co-creator in this reality. Where you are unaware is where you have left some of your stones behind for others to pick up and create what they wish with themselves. You are always creating something. The great challenge is to be completely conscious and aware of what you are doing in each and every moment so that your intentions align with the greater good for all. The world’s circumstances are asking us to wake up and participate in a much more conscious and loving way with each other. But you can only do that when you awaken and take control of your life force energy. Never allow others to mold your own energy into what they want to create. Awaken and bring your clarity and love into the mix and allow for something greater than yourself to manifest. Your energy and perspective is essential to making this creation one that works on all levels, not just for a few.
The Moon finishes its transit of Gemini at 7:25 AM EDT and moves into the sign of Cancer. More and more each of us is seeking a feeling of safety or familiarity. This influence is warm, protective, and also sensitive. Mercury forms a semi-square with Chiron and a quincunx with Jupiter today before reaching a sextile to Neptune shortly into the day tomorrow. With these aspects, be more careful because your communications could be perceived as careless and hurtful. You may worry as you are struggling with decisions as you see yourself and others flip-flop between alternatives. It can be challenging to get any message across successfully or to come to any solid agreement with others. As the day progresses you will become more skilled at tuning into the intentions and feel into the deeper meaning that others are attempting to express. Your imagination is creatively stirred and you may be able to apply it to practical matters creatively. We have an increased appreciation for subtleties, which aids your understanding of others.
~Suzanne Wagner~

The Tao of Flowers

Be beautiful
Be sweet.
Be soft.
Be inspiring.
Be colorful
Be different.
Stand out.
Attract others.
Be delicate.
Vibrate at the highest frequency.
Make others happy.
Make others smile.
Be the expression of love.
Do not hang on to forever.
Shine as bright as you can be in that moment.
Know that beauty is transient.
Know that your scent inspires others.
Know that you will be remembered.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Danger always lurks in the hearts of men.
Especially when ego surpasses love in an attempt to win.
There are always those that seem to admire
Those with power and money they require.
But true power is not a flashy thing
Filled with an ego that wants to sting.
True power is determined and kind
It reaches out to those still blind.
It supports those that have not yet figured out
How this world goes and what it is about.
True power is about experience and knowing.
Filled with a passion and love that keeps growing.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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