Thursday, May 25, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 5/26/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 5/26/17
5/26/17 is the number 5. The number 5 is all about the physical body and as we are in the spring what a beautiful time it is to go outside and enjoy nature and being in a body. I am looking out this morning on fog that has enveloped the house as I live close to the ocean and in this time of the year the heat/cold distribution creates a marine layer of fog that comes deeply inland. What is it like around your home in the morning? Do you drink your cup of tea and look out in appreciation of this life? Do you recognize that your dog, cat or other pet has a relatively short life in comparison to you and that they are smart enough to sense that and want to spend as much time with you as they can? Do you give your full attention and love to each and everything you touch? Is your compassionate heart available to others so that there is that connection and understanding that none of us are ever alone? These questions are designed to bring you into awareness and to help you to learn to relish each and every moment of this most precious life. Enjoy the body. Enjoy this time you have right now. After all you do not know what is beyond this moment.
There is an abundance of mutable signs now ( means adapt and flex- Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces; and the currently absent mutable sign is Virgo). Gemini is a curious sign, suggesting it is time to get out and explore new possibilities. Step out of your comfortable rut to meet new people and try new activities. There is a challenge between “I want it now Mars,” and be patient Saturn. There is also a challenge between love & money Venus wanting new opportunities quickly and Pluto advising that you must clean up the past first. This brings the need to dramatically move forward without being exactly certain where you are going, while going at a slow-but-sure speed. Check to verify that your values are on the same page as the people you are working with rather than making assumptions now. Although it feels a little like you are being jerked back and forth, know that it is just the universe multi-tasking. On a more abstract note: the spiritual destiny nodes that moved into Leo and Aquarius recently are at the same degree of Leo as the total solar eclipse coming in August. Write in your journal about activities and thoughts that are going on within you now. In August, go back and read what you wrote in your journal now to see if there is a connection between now and then.
While social and romantic interactions may have been complicated in the last couple of days, today strive towards more impartiality. The Moon is in Gemini all day, and while you may not yet have a clear idea of where we're heading, this is a good time for feeling a building sense of excitement about possibilities on this day after the New Moon. With a Gemini Moon, you suffer no shortage of ideas, but there can often be a sense that feelings might be taking you in two different directions, making it difficult to decide. You might be quick to share your experiences today. With the Moon's alignment with Mars in Gemini tonight, know that your thoughts might race, and that you could be a bit too quick to respond and react.
~Suzanne Wagner~

If a flower ever taught us anything,
It’s that beauty is always fleeting.
It is a thing to be appreciated in the moment
With all the awe and wonder that it deserves.
~Suzanne Wagner~

We are in a world where there is enough money to go around and that money could save humanity, the planet, and species that are about to go extinct. But there are those who have the money and power that hold such a level of greed and contempt for life on this planet that they hoard that wealth and do not want to share and make a difference in the world. They just want to hold some title of being the wealthiest person. What have we done in the world that this level of abject corruption and selfishness is the norm? And what can we do about it now before it is too late? And how can we teach our children to be souls that share and give back to this planet rather than take? The very life of this planet hangs in the balance of those choices right now. What are you doing about it?

~Suzanne Wagner~


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