Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 5/25/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 5/25/17
5/25/17 is the number 4. It is time to work in the direction of your stability on a personal, emotional, financial, and physical way. The patterns of the past are clearly needing to be modified and changed and it is time to shift into a pattern of responsibility and act in alignment with a greater long term goal rather than the shorter goals and need for instant gratification. Seek out the things that provide a better energetic stability and cultivate those things. Do your best to not let spending get out of control and find how to enjoy simple things and calm moments of family and peace. I remember as a child going on picnics and playing by the creeks as a child but in today’s technology world everyone is too busy playing with their phones, computers, and televisions to know how to connect with others in ways that support true communication and connection. So, today, put the phone away and take a walk in the parks. Do something with your children and grandchildren. Everyone needs some time and attention to feel as if they belong and are a part of your life.
The Moon completes its transit of Taurus at 8:16 AM EDT, after which it transits Gemini. The Moon is Balsamic until 3:45 PM when the New Moon occurs. With Venus forming a challenging square to Pluto today. This may be a moment when your fears of betrayal or of being in the dark about an issue are very close to the surface. It can be very easy to trigger sensitive points in others so be very careful. But this can also be very revealing to those of us on a journey of self-discovery to notice those issues and begin to deal with them in a more intentional way. Social interactions could be intense or could provoke strong feelings. Changes in financial status or relationships may occur now. Problem areas that have been working under the surface of things in your relationships can emerge now. A New Moon occurs this afternoon in the sign of Gemini, presenting you with opportunities to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Twins in the coming weeks. This is a good cycle for re-evaluating your communication and social skills by questioning just how much you can actually take in information and communicate that in a friendly, non-threatening manner. You can come to new thinking that leads you in new directions, or there can be new paths for your projects. With Mercury in minor challenging aspect to Saturn today, however, there can be some difficulties getting your message across in a way that creates the change or impact that you are looking for.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Don’t build a wall
around your own suffering.
It may devour you
from the inside.
~Frida Kahlo~

How many monsters have you created inside?
How many monsters have you created outside?
Perception is a very tricky thing that twists and turns the mind into the configuration of its fears and prejudices.
As many teachers politely attempt to say, “There is no one out there.”
Meaning that everything that you see externally is a reflection of your internal states of awareness or lack thereof. And your external is a reflection of your unhealed parts that you refuse to address, deal with, and love.
Outside and inside are deeply connected and cannot be separated just as air is outside your body and also constantly moving inside your body.
There is no separation between you and others, or you and animals, etc.
We are all a part of one living organism that are completely dependent upon each other to exist and to co-exist together.
Allow the connection and similarities to comes together in your mind and melt away the perceived differences that your mind attempts to find in order to justify your behavior.
Connection is not just possible ….. it is an all-encompassing fact of life.
Your perception of separation is a lie that your mind tells you to make you continue to feel special and unique.
You can be unique without finding fault in others.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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