Sunday, February 19, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 2/20/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/20/17
2/20/17 is the number 5. The number 5 supporting grounding and being one with the earth. Notice where you are not paying attention to the earth and what you might be able to do to help in small ways. Take a moment to look at the birds and see what they are doing. Observe the ants in their diligence to gather things that sustain life. Let nature teach you about the things that are really important and that are beyond the mind. If you are feeling reactive, inconsistent, thoughtless, and rigid in your thinking then you are operating from the negative side of this number. Discover what might bring greater stability to yourself, your life, your family, and the world. We are all connected and when one thing is destroyed, we all lose. The number 5 is that pivotal points between the number 1 and 9. As you are in the middle you have an opportunity to make choices and decisions for your future. It is time to learn the true meaning of life. Not that one you have been telling yourself in your head. But the one that recognized that “real” life is about freedom. The birds in the sky are free. The deer running through the meadow are free. The earthworms move through the ground with freedom. You cannot restrict freedom. It is the rule of law on this planet. When you restrict anything too much it suffers and then dies. Take a look at where your mind is allowing freedom or not. With freedom, curiosity and constant change allow each of us to grow and experience more of what life offers. Do you want to live in someone else’s box and reality? Of course not. You can only live vibrantly when you are aligned with your soul’s essence and then can move from that center out into the world. That is how you change the world. But you can only do it when you feel free to express your truths. Just remember, that just because it is your path and your way, do not oppose your perceptual bubble on others.

The Moon in Sagittarius aligns with Saturn and harmonizes with Mars, Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter. You have many ideas and projects going now, and if you can decide on any one or two, you might be enthusiastic about both and ready to put in the effort to make that idea into a reality. Mercury's sextile to Uranus today promotes progressive, innovative thinking and conversing. Group activities and meetings can go well. You can have some breakthroughs in your awareness and deeper insights can manifest mentally. Original, creative ideas are easy to come by. It is a great time to take advantage of your ability to see things in a new light by breathing life into old projects or solving problems in new, creative ways. Varying your usual routine may be especially rewarding. A Sun-Mars semi-square comes into influence today, however, and you may feel impatient or restless if you have unfinished business. This influence does better when you have a well-defined goal but you may want to reach that goal more quickly than is currently possible.
~Suzanne Wagner~

You might be free to make your choices in life
but you are not free to dictate
the consequences of those choices.
You are here to learn lessons
by taking actions and then seeing
how those actions create a life of their own
and manifest the distortion you did not see originally.
The universe is always teaching you.
Are you willing to learn
when the outcome is not to your liking?
Are you willing to make the corrections necessary?
Regardless, karma is the consequence
that always follows.
Each of us must learn to enjoy
the many servings of humble pie
we will be required to consume.
~Suzanne Wagner~


When a person (who is not prepared to handle the mantle of power) is given great power, it inevitable collapses. How can it not? What it takes to inspire people is easy because most are simple and are only out to get a leader to tell them what they want to hear. But actually, leading people is much more difficult. Leading people takes respect and respect is earned by others observing how you handle pressure and stresses. If you are to follow a person you need to know that if you give your life… it was not in some haphazard way or some power game of that person to show off their omnipotence. You want your life to matter to them. You want your feelings to impact them and those emotions and intentions to be considered before they take an action. You want a leader who is willing to think things through and consider all the actions and the outcomes of those actions. When you have a leader who only considers himself and what he wants, and then makes choices that clearly do not consider others but only how it profits them, you quickly lose faith in them. There are many out there who want to believe that a powerful person is really on their side and that they will not have to face the very scary shadow of their own darkness. They do not want to own that they chose a person to be in power whose reflection is of who they are on the inside. It is difficult to take a hard look at your own darkness. It is miserable to have to admit that you were wrong. It is humbling to see that you have been manipulated by your shallowness and attachments. But there are many out there that are facing that exact reality. The faster you can face your own darkness the faster this nightmare can be over.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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