Sunday, February 12, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 2/13/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/13/17
2/13/17 is the number 7. Looking at the structures and strategies of your past, can you objectively evaluate if they are effective in the outcome you were seeking? If they are… wonderful, you are in alignment with your spiritual self and your human self. If not, then you are somewhere out of alignment. Then it is your job to discover a new way to either find where you are out of alignment with the cosmic order of your soul or realign what you believe is your soul’s purpose.

The Moon is in Virgo until 3:44 PM. It is square to Saturn this morning and that can point to some feelings of being overwhelmed or discouraged. While there is some tendency to be critical of others and to want to point out the problems or flawed thinking of others. You are not feeling directed and confident today and yet there is good energy that can help you make progress if you are willing to make a concerted effort as the Sun and Saturn move towards a sextile, exact very early tomorrow. You feel a bit more grounded and stable regardless of the chaotic energy surrounding you. It's easy to stick to a particular task and make headway slowly but surely. Productivity may be slow, but the lesson now is to make consistent progress. You are more able to discipline yourself and put your ego aside to get the job done. This transit can teach to accept constructive criticism and advice, especially from those older and wiser than us. There are areas that you need to recognize are fantasies and that your ego is attached to a story that validates your ego because you are afraid of what accepting the truth might mean to your self-esteem.

During the two weeks between eclipses, it is always good to take some introspective time. I like to think it feels like a boat being crashed between two cliffs as the waves pound you from side to side. The moon continues in productive Virgo on Sunday and Monday morning. So use this energy to accomplish something that you can look at and feel good about. It can be as simple as cleaning the house, organizing your reality, or reducing clutter. The moon then moves into the relationship sign, Libra, for Valentine’s Day on the 14th. This isn’t a particularly potent day for the day of romance, but it is pleasant. The remainder of the workweek flows smoothly where you can get in your work groove and just do what you do easily. Saturday is more bold as the moon moves into adventurous Sagittarius and the Sun moves into Pisces for the coming month. A hike to a watery place would fit this combination and give you peace, rest, and more creative insight. Pisces rules the film industry, so a movie that either stimulates you philosophically, or visually through scenes in the great outdoors, or combines romance and action will fit this astrology.
~Suzanne Wagner~

To love
is to know someone’s wounds
and support them is seeing the beauty
in that dysfunction.
And to acknowledge how that motivates
their life purpose towards greatness.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I remember being young and idealistic.
I remember being so certain that I knew some magical way to avoid my own karma.

I remember refusing to believe the truths and teachings of the great teachers who came before me.
I remember believing that the rules of this plane did not affect me because I was not from here.
But that did not last long….
Life is wiser than my mind.
Nature is crystal clear of the rules of this plane of existence.
I did not make the rules of this planet.
But I am reigned in and restricted by them in order to learn the valuable lessons that will break my heart open.
And those lessons cannot be cheated nor can you make short cuts around those critical lessons.
I remember thinking I had it all figured out.
I remember thinking that I knew myself and that I had learned and integrated all the lessons.
And then life showed me another version of a dysfunction that I believed I had overcome.
Life humbles you again and again.
It softens the rigid mental constructs that limit your awareness and experience.
Life breaks your heart as many times as it takes to open you to the illusions in which you have imprisoned your soul.
You can find the doorway to the truth if you surrender what you believe you know and open to the vast information that is constantly knocking at the doorway of your mind.
You have always heard the whispers.
You have always known that there was more.
You were just afraid to discover how much you still had to learn.
You were just afraid to discover that the magic you believed in was not the real magic that is possible.
There is magic in surrender and becoming one with the flow.
There is magic in being fully in wide eyed wonder to this most precious moment.
There is magic in stepping beyond the karmic lessons that keep you stuck.
Let yourself discover the truth.
It is more magical than any illusion you could create.
You are more beautiful than a thousand suns.
You are more creative than a field of flowers.
You are more powerful in your love than any cherished illusion.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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