Monday, February 13, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 2/14/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/14/17
2/14/17 is the number 8. It is time to step into your own personal power and step into a place of responsible self-authority. This is the moment to make executive decisions for your life and what direction your life is going to go forward. You have the inner strength that can guide you but there are decisions and choices that you have to make as you step into this new place and reality. There is a stripping down of ego and the old places that you used to protect. Now you recognize that the old places and choices are no longer where you need to move towards in your future. It is time to let of places that drain energy and do not allow you to move in healthy ways. It is important to be surrounded by those that are trustworthy and those who are willing to learn from experience. There are universal laws related to cause and effect and sometimes there are moments when you recognize that another person’s journey is perhaps not your own. It is important today to decide for you what is your path and then to actively step in that direction. Change happens often to simplify your life and for you to find what your purpose is. Only when you let go of things can you find your own true path.

Jupiter and Chiron form a quincunx today - an aspect that first became exact in December and will recur again on September 23rd. With this longer-term aspect, there can be a questioning of your future and your personal goals. Your beliefs might be in doubt and some type of uncertainty may be creeping in. You may feel lost and susceptible to this astrological influence. If you are not self-aware, you might push impractical ideas and projects ahead, only to face obstacles in the immediate future. Circumstances are such that you need to make adjustments to your plans and goals. You may need to tame expectations of yourself and others if they are unreasonably high. You might need to deal with insecurities that have been preventing you from pursuing your goals freely and confidently. The Moon is in relationship-focused Libra all day, and you seek out a balance. However, there can be some trial and error getting to the point of harmony, particularly with the Moon's opposition to Mars in Aries later today.
~Suzanne Wagner~

There is always an element of unknown in the future.
You cannot know all the intricacies
and subtle weavings
of events and experiences
that are needed for your full awakening.
~Suzanne Wagner~


People do not change in the way you often think. Change takes hard work and a personal diligence to overcome the genetic patterns and experiences that have programmed your mind. You have created biological circuits in your brain and those will last throughout this life. These memories you have created in your brain and are linked in a multitude of ways that help you analyze and scan your world so that you can be more effective. What you can do is not allow your programming to overlay on your reality. You can stop and choose more, new experiences over the old ones. You can lay down multiple tracks and find the one that is better suited to express your highest self. Brains are like a computer. Even now, these simpler systems that we are using in the modern era are actually not new but they are overlaid on top of the old ones. DOS created C, C created C+, C+ created C++. And it goes on endlessly. In the same way, your original patterns and programming are the base of who you are. But you can lay faster and more versatile patterns on top of them. The game is awareness. To change you have to have the willingness and the capacity to change. There are moments when you have one but not the other. If that is the case, you will not feel very effective and often you cannot completely move beyond the old patterns and blocks. Sometimes you want to believe that you have changed but you have to look more deeply at where that pattern might be interwoven into multiple areas and still impacting you in more and more subtle ways. Awareness of your prejudices and patterns is the beginning to seeing the necessity of creating other neurological patterns that will expand your options and allow a fuller expression of your light to be seen in the world.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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