Saturday, February 11, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 2/12/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/12/17
2/12/17 is the number 6. The number 6 asks you to think before you speak. Introspection around how your words might impact others on all the levels is important to figuring out how to connect. Do you want to give love or do you want to be right? That is an important distinction right now. Love is the energy that connects us all. All perspectives are valid when you overlay the experiences, damage, and life choices of others. We are all down here doing our own karma and what is more important is to not create more.

Mercury forms a semi-square with Chiron this morning, and you can be particularly sensitive about all forms of communication. Be hyper vigilant that your communications are not careless or perceived as hurtful under this influence. It can be hard to read the intention behind the words, and there may be impatience with rules, worry or guilty feelings, and conflicting viewpoints to contend with now. You don't have enough faith or confidence in your choices to make effective decisions at the moment, but this gives you a chance to learn more about areas where you feel uninformed. The Moon is in Virgo all day, harmonizing with Pluto this evening. You want to be useful and productive so focusing on details is your route to making headway. You are inclined to be analytical, critical, and technical under a Virgo Moon.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Love fiercely. Because this all ends.

When you feel weak you become obnoxious, aggressive, and determined to push others away. That way you are not forced to face your own insecurity. But you end up alone.

When you are angry inside you try to be too nice and too accommodating of others which comes across as false and not authentic. You become exhausting to be around and others will not want to come close.

When you are truly happy, your laughter makes your eyes squint with joy and you do not care how you look to others. Joy explodes out your face and makes others smile also.

When you are content with your life and choices you relax and allow others to have theirs regardless of if you think those choices will take them in directions that you perceive as incorrect. And others feel safe in your presence.

When you are at peace in your life, you see all the drama in the world as the universe attempting to awaken others to see beyond their own mind and prejudices. And you become a witness to the complex matrix that is all of life.

When you fully accept yourself you know that all your choices where perfect and taught you what you came here to learn and so you move through life as the expression of contentment.

When you know yourself deeply you cannot help but love yourself. From that place of being completely full you pull others intrinsically into their own depth and help them discover who they really are.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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