Thursday, February 16, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 2/17/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/17/17
2/17/17 is the number 20. By this point you should feel the irresolute, indifferent, weak-willed energy that has invaded some people. We can blame some of it on the number 2 today. This number has a quality of pessimism and an inability to take responsibility for the choices and decisions on the past. The fear of admitting mistakes and showing the vulnerability of your mental distortion is terrifying. But the only choice in the end is the truth. If you have learned to live in a place of self-deception, then this might be a difficult day for you because waking up requires you to take total responsibility for your choices and actions. You have to stare your own attachment, greed, and manipulation in the face. You have to confront the darkest shadow of the lie you have been living. None of this is easy to do. But life is about understanding that if you have Yin inside, you also have Yang. If you have Love inside, you also have Hate. We live in a world of duality and it is about learning to love that duality inside and out that is the basis of finding wholeness, peace, understanding and self-acceptance. We cannot always be perfect. We cannot always make the right choices. We cannot always understand the deeper motivations that play out in our world because of our words, actions, and choices. But learn we must and how one embraces what they perceive as their own darkness shapes the character of a person and makes one trustable or not.

The Moon continues its transit of Scorpio all day, drawing your attention to complexities, intangibles, and mysteries. The Scorpio Moon forms a square with Mercury this morning, and what feels right clashes with logic for the time being. What you communicate may be a misrepresentation of your true feelings. It's difficult to be objective at present, as much as you want to believe that you are objective. This afternoon, the Moon forms a sextile with Scorpio's ruling planet, Pluto, boosting your self-confidence and resourcefulness. You can experience exciting but possibly fleeting attractions today as Venus and Uranus move towards a parallel. There can be spontaneous meetings and forward movement in your relationships. You are finally beginning to see the turn and the future trend. As unpleasant as that might be.
~Suzanne Wagner~

If the tables won’t turn,
……flip them the fuck over.
~Poetry Language - Joker~

Personally, I am horrified at a lot of the Republicans and their choices related to the present political situation. It really makes me think that they are all corrupt and have been bought. How did we get to this situation? How did we allow Congressmen to be so powerful that can manipulate the people to their will? It is so obvious that they have played to the people’s prejudices and blown small things out of proportion to cover up huge things that they wanted to hide and as a people, each of you needs to look at how you allowed that to happen. We are all equally responsible for co-creating this atrocity that has put our country, our freedoms, and potentially our lives in danger. Do you see how you got caught up in it all, exactly like they wanted you to be? It is time to see where you have lost your independence in favor of being a mindless drone that is trained to follow as you have lost your independent thinking and objective reasoning ability. Yes, America is a young country but it is time to grow up and take responsibility for your choices and actions. This government is supposed to be for the people and they are supposed to work for us. You have to see how they are working for their own greed, political power, and position. It is time to stand up even more because I know many of you are doing a lot. But we have to come together and stop this horrific misrepresentation of the American values and ideals. Otherwise we will become a puppet of Russia and even more of a laughing stock to the world.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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