Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 2/16/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/16/17
2/16/17 is the number 10. Each person is now awakening to the greater needs of humanity and the deep desire to bring peace and harmony to the world. You may want to have strong leadership but you will realize that that leadership must come from within you. It is only from being willing to follow your own inner guidance that you will be leading yourself from a place of self-determination, creative personal power, and individualism. What make this country strong is the freedom that is bread into each person. More than in any other country we are a powerful force of individuals who have tasted what it is like to actually be free and not chained and controlled by power mongering dictators. That trait gives us a unique ability to stand up in difficult times and make our own choices and be able to deal with the consequences of our actions. This number 10 endows the individual with extra vitality and the willingness to do what is right in the face of what is wrong. It is the number of rising up and finding the internal self-discipline that is necessary in difficult times. This number reminds you that you are whole inside right now and you cannot expect others to protect you and your freedoms, you will have to have the strength to protect them yourself. You are the center of your own light and power. You are the “Tree of Life” and it is from your center that the branches reach out and connect with others.

Mercury forms a sextile with Mars today, and mental alertness, enthusiasm, and energetic communications figure strongly now. Quick decisions and assessments may be made. Are you ready to see and act on opportunities that are coming? Expect a rapid fire of communications that may be hurried, intense, and direct to the point. The Moon transits Scorpio from 1:42 AM forward, and you can be determined. Emotional needs are intense and demanding. You can be focused and finally make deep and lasting changes that empower you under the influence of a Scorpio Moon.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Be careful how you share your light,
The glow can attract bugs that bite.
~RH Fowler~

The level of alarm that is happening in the world is unprecedented in our lifetime. It is a moment when you must stand in a place that is about serving humanity, the earth, and life itself. The time of protecting your ego and perception is no longer enough and it will no longer get you anywhere other than separated from the powerful whole that is here to support life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Clearly holding the position of lies, distortion, and cover-ups is breaking under the weight of its own deception. This a such a powerful time. You discover who you really are deep down by your external actions or lack thereof. Each moment you can choose to shift towards love and light. Each moment you can step beyond your ego and recognize the limitation of your own self-deception. It takes great courage to admit when you are wrong. It takes great personal integrity to recognize where you got caught up in an intricate lie that was created to make you get lost in the patterns of your own fears. This is a great lesson….to listen to your deepest self and to know when your ego is leading you astray and past the domain of the “real”. Darkness is never clear. Darkness lurks in the hidden recesses of your soul, slowly whispering toxic thoughts into your mind, bending it to its will, and breaking the integrity of your soul. Darkness causes a lasting karmic impact like a scar that is visible to everyone when they look at you. But great warriors are often deceived. Great warriors often have many scars. But great warriors learn from their mistakes and move forward humbled, opened, and aware of their past mistakes, and committed to reclaim their integrity. Great warriors know that such things take time. Great warriors know that they have to prove themselves. But great warriors will do whatever it takes to come back to a center that is about what is right and true.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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