Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 2/8/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/8/17
2/8/17 is the number 2. The duality continues and seems to magnify. There are moments when you know that it is only by the extremes pulling both sides of the rubber band to the point of breaking that there will be a resolution. The problem is that it is us that breaks. And yet that is where it is all heading (it seems) in this world of polarity. That requires each person to own that within themselves whether they see it or not that they are right now polarized and have extremes in duality happening inside that are co-contributing to the external reality. I know that we can do something else but there does not seem to be anyway for the masses to not continue pulling that rubber band until it breaks. Ask yourself the question. Why do you want to break down the old world in such an extremely painful way? What was so objectionable that deep in your core only a total destruction of all that you have and hold dear and familiar needs to collapse? There are always other options though we may not choose them.

The Moon in Cancer turns an ongoing T-square involving Jupiter, Pluto, and Uranus into a loose Grand Square today. This will place a lot of your attention on relationships, your career, and personal plans. A new realization comes in that asks you to push for considering your emotional and physical needs. Conflicts are going to continue to arise but you must make yourself, your health and well-being priority. This is going to be a long haul and all of us need to pace ourselves. You will feel driven to take action, innovate, and make changes. The Cancer Moon is sensitive and dedicated to loved ones. It is time to take steps to make yourself and your family more comfortable and safe today. You could commit to working through those difficult problems now. This is a strong time for tapping into your inner genius or personal potential and putting it to work for the greater good. It is time to take better care of yourself.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Our systems of duality have been constructed to manipulate our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Darkness uses duality to keep us divided, at war with ourselves and with others. We are better controlled that way. But when we shine with light and truth, we work to dissolve our illusory divisions, we dissolve the duality, and we become one people united in purpose and vision.
All this is as easy or as difficult as changing the way we think, changing our thoughts, our beliefs about the world we live in. It’s a process, learning to see ourselves as all the same, as connected, as part of something much larger than ourselves, opening up to the knowledge that the Universe is a living breathing being of consciousness – which is us.  When we heal the duality within ourselves, we heal the duality in the Universe around us as well. The internal change eventually becomes externalized.”
~David Nova~

Eventually, we all must graduate from the classroom of duality. We do this by accepting what is. We do this by internally releasing our swords, by turning the warring left and right hands of duality into partners with a handshake. We do this by appreciating the difficult lessons we came here to learn. We do this by recognizing that all of us are one – there are no illusory opposing sides in higher consciousness. We are one being of universal creation with the power to recreate our own world. We do this by realizing that achieving world peace means achieving oneness – common purpose and collective goals.

There are no shortcuts. There is no technology, no financial reset, no external solutions that will make us release our separateness. Only by giving up our separateness will we begin to share our technology freely, allow free energy, allow financial freedom and shared abundance. The cart cannot be put in front of the horse. The horse must pull the cart. The transformation must begin within, only then will it bloom externally.
~David Nova – Transcending the Duality Paradigm~


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