Monday, January 20, 2014

Wild Women Life Series for 1/20/14

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
~Helen Keller~


When I look at my life I have moments when the intensity of life and the required risk taking that is just a natural part of life really shows me that living in the physical plane is not for the faint of heart. Take an honest look at your own life and really notice and appreciate when you have taken that risk that was way beyond your comfort zone. In each of us is a “Braveheart”! You have done things that you did not know if they were going to work. You have tried things that have scared you to death. You have gone with your intuition when everything and everyone in your life told you not to do it. And most of the time you were okay if not great afterwards. We discover ourselves inch by inch, risk by risk, stretch by stretch. Being in a body is limited but our essence is energy and energy is limitless. You have the capacity to move beyond your preconceived notions of yourself. You are more than others can see. In your heart you are your favorite character in a myth or story. Each of you is a hero or heroine. See that magnificence and continue to stretch into the unknown. Greatness is discovered, uncovered, and achieved. Go for it!

Numerology for 1/20/14

Today is the number 10. The number 10 is all about claiming your power and choosing to try again. Each of us get trampled under the wheels of life at times. But life is not for the faint of heart it is for those who are willing and able to get up and try again. You can collapse this energy today into a 1 and feel victimized and afraid or you can stand up and stand your ground. I find at the end of the day I have to like myself. It is important to know that I have not let myself down or allowed myself to believe the negative thoughts that are out there in the television, radio, or from others voices. Unfortunately our world is filled with those that make lots of money spreading negative thought viruses. It is our choice to allow that energy to break us down or break us through. No great idea was ever instantly embraced. Most powerful people had to repeatedly stand up and push against the established norm. It takes a lot of energy and time to shift external realities. Today is the day to try. Today you are more powerful and more able to claim you spot in the sun. Today others just might hear you from a different place and you have the potential to inspire others with your vitality for life and your passion for change.


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