Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Musings for 12/12/13

"I try to practice what I preach; I’m not always that good at it but I really do try. 

The other night, I was getting hard-hearted, closed-minded, and fundamentalist about somebody else, and I remembered this expression that you can never
 hate somebody if you stand in their shoes. I was angry at him because he was holding such a rigid view. 

In that instant I was able to put myself in his shoes and I realized, “I’m just as riled up, and self-righteous and closed-minded about this as he is. We’re in exactly the same place!” 

And I saw that the more I held on to my view, the more polarized we would become, and the more we’d be just mirror images of one another—two people with closed minds and hard hearts who both think they’re right, screaming at each other. It changed for me when I saw it from his side, and I was able to see my own aggression and ridiculousness."

Pema Chodron~

I just worked on the Catalyst Article for January 2014. On one level I felt as if I was being politically on my own soapbox and I had to step back just like in the quote above with Pema and look at my polarized view.

In the process of doing that, the article altered and softened. Just as my thoughts softened in my own head, my words softened on the page. I am constantly amazed at how my thoughts manifest in my reality very quickly. I have been through phases of my life where I have allowed others negative thoughts to infect me, like a virus. It is incredible how quickly you can get caught in the perceived mental drama of another’s beliefs and experience. It takes such strength of character, knowing of your core self, and astute awareness to catch it as it happens so you will not allow it to overwhelm your energetic system. I find the longer a pattern is allowed to roam free in your mind, the harder it is to get it out. That is why patterns formed in childhood can be so difficult to let go. It is possible but it takes deep self-compassion and gentle guidance from my higher self to support my human condition from collapsing into its habits of behavior.

So today, take a look at who is around you and how those people are either supporting your energy evolution and physical manifestation in the world or hindering it. For today, just gently remove yourself from the presence of those who are holding such negativity that you cannot stem the tide from hitting you. Give yourself permission to take a pause and regroup. In the stillness of your own center, remember you and them are all love. Feel your heart open and allow the love to expand a bubble outwards and touch them in a way that allows for them to grow. Sometimes this is easier to do from a distance. Especially when you are triggered. A bit of space never hurt. Most of the time it really helps. Then when you feel calmer and more balanced then step back into that person’s presence and test yourself to see if you can hold a positive energy bubble in their negative space. If not, take another break and keep working on it until you can maintain your own sense of self and presence while with them.

Numerology for 12/12/13
Added all together today is the number 3. The number 3 is the number of positive mind. Today take a look at all the situations that you want to reframe the negative to the positive. Close your eyes and envision each situation. See a tool or a possibility that might allow a different outcome. Try that on and keep adding a new circumstance until you find the way to shift that negative into something that works for you either in awareness or as an actual outcome.

Today will feel like a roller coaster ride. There will be wonderful highs but there also might be very low lows. Just be a duck on the water and ride the waves without reaction and drama. Feel inside that if you are a woman there are three of you inside, the virgin, the mother, and the crone. Allow them to dance together in a feminine integration of all that you have been, all that you are, and all that you will become.

If you are a man, see the reluctant hero, the hero, and the wisdom keeper. Notice that where you are resisting the constraint of life, this will cause you to be the reluctant hero. When you feel the place inside that wants to be challenged and win, that is the hero within. And finally feel the part of you that is beyond the testosterone rush of youth and looks through the eyes of knowing and experience, that is the wisdom keeper. All are of great value and all have something to teach you.

Allow this day of 3 to be a perfect moment of flow, fantasy, and refinement. Enjoy!


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