Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thoughts of Appreciation for My Friends and Clients in Utah

Sometimes when I do the articles, I swear they totally reflect my own process. I am always so grateful when every month someone says, “I swear you write these articles for me.” Because months like this one, I am sure I am just speaking to myself.

More and more I see that we are all one in this cosmic dance of life. We move and flow in patterns of growth and change as one. Some of us handle certain transitions better than others. And then it switches.

This month’s cards reflect the amazing transition my life is manifestating at this time, as well as many of my clients. As I let go more and more from the creation of my life in Utah, my eyes behold the wonder of this journey and the amazing support and friends that have been such a critical part of my own growth and expansion. I see all my clients as amazing friends because I cannot read another without feeling deeply and personally into the soul that has placed themselves in front of me. Being a psychic is a deeply personal and intimate journey into the complex patterns of another. I am infinitely grateful to all my clients that have allowed me to glimpse deeply into their soul.

My clients have taught me so much. I have learned how to hold compassion for the suffering of others. I have learned how to see the power and unbreakable spirit of human nature regardless of terrible circumstances.

My clients have given me hope by their willingness to continue on during times of tremendous strife and difficulty. When I have been down it has their stories of success and redemption that have given me my own strength to keep going.

This is an amazing time in my life. I have been blessed in so many ways. I now simply look with gratitude and love at all the chances I have had and choices I have made. There are no good or bad choices. There are just choices that guide us to the next series of lessons that will support our expansion.

As of Dec 28, 2010, I will officially be on my way to California. My house is still up for sale and if anyone wants a beautiful home that has practically everything redone at a lovely and fair price, just contact my realtor, Lynn Hall at (801) 550-5966. She has all the details and information.

I will still be available for phone appointments and I may be coming back to SLC from time to time. I thought I would be back more often because my mother lives here. But she has decided to move to Texas and so we are all in a moving/transition process. I have lovely clients that have offered their homes and offices for me to use if I come into town but the feeling is that my life is shifting into some amazing new directions. So I am not sure where I will be moment by moment. This will allow me to have more free flow in my life, which is what I have wanted for a long time. In my line of work I can easily do phone consultations with clients and as I have been doing it for a long time I know and trust my accuracy and skill.

I have some radio shows that have picked me up and I am going to be perhaps moving in the direction of radio and more teaching while I am at the same time doing readings.

So please feel free to call me for phone apts. I will continue to go to Los Angeles the first weekend of each month to work there also. You can find what I am up to through my online scheduler or my newsletters.

Thank you for all being such a gift in my life and I hope to continue to be of service as a guide along your pathways to change.


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