Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Patterns for July 2009 - You can never be too early

Dear Bloggers:

I do many things ahead of time in the publishing business so I am uploading the information that will be for July 2009 today. At least this gives you an advanced perspective and opportunity to plan ahead. Enjoy

Those of you who have been waiting for a break in the energy, your wait might finally be over. At least for a minute or so. But at this point any break comes with a huge feeling of gratitude and relief. This is a tremendously transformative time and so the waves of change are getting bigger and bigger. I like to think of this time as an opportunity to become a great surfer. The waves of change are rolling in slightly bigger with each set and this gives us an opportunity to practice and develop some skills.

Think for a moment, back in time. Say five years ago. Think of what you were doing at that time and now think about all you are doing now. You will quickly realize that you have grown a lot and have many more coping skills than before. The things that would have frightened you then do not seem so hard now. So this growth curve is going to continue. Don’t panic! Just give yourself the time to adapt and learn how to ride these big waves of consciousness. After all what is life if there are not a few thrills along the way.

July brings with it some great gains and positive shifts for the financial picture. Thank the Stars! Now, I know we have a long way to go to catch up but there does seem to be a trend towards prosperity and lucrative business adventures. But do not fall asleep and go into fantasy and delusion. There are still some rocky moments ahead and now is the time to tuck that extra away and save it for when you really might need it in 2010. But this financial relief will allow each of you to relax a bit and feel more freedom and confidence.

So take all steps with integrity and create clear structures and strategies. Ask others for advice and be willing to listen to their perspective, even if it is not in agreement with your own. Plan the next year out for yourself. Find the rhythm that will work for you. You will have to still be willing to break down your own illusions and that is why listening to those who are wiser and more skilled than you is a real asset. Take precautions to see where the darker aspects within your life might just rear up their heads and surprise you.

This is a time when you will have to become more and more present to ever changing circumstances. Allowing yourself to fall into patterns of complacency will get you slammed by that next wave that is about to hit you.

Know that those waves are not hitting you to hurt you. They are hitting you to make you more conscious of the parts within that you cannot see clearly. What ever is the problem; know that is just a reflection of a suppressed aspect that you have been unwilling to see clearly. Those people and situations in our life that trigger us, only trigger us because we are either in resistance to the truth that they represent or we hold qualities of that person or situation that are unloved and un-integrated within us.

To me the question is, “How do you learn to love and honor all the reflections of life around us?” This is a difficult thing to do. So I try to take one small step at a time. Years ago, I figured out that if I said, “Thank you.” Silently in my mind when I noticed someone who triggered me and “I love you.” Also silently. I would notice that people would viscerally shift their energy. But now I add at the beginning, “I am sorry.” And I fill in the rest of the sentence. Then, “Thank you…” And finally, “And I love you….”

This is a great way to practice integrating the mirrors and triggers within our lives. When I say these words silently, people will feel accepted, understood, and loved. The energy goes out from me and they finally can let go of the negative mirror that they might even believe is true. After all we are all human. We all feel the same feelings. We all experience love and loss. We all are trying our very best even if some of those patterns are really dysfunctional and we might be unable to see it until we make ourselves miserable enough to change. So as I learn how to have compassion for others, I learn how to have compassion for my disowned archetypes within.

Just remember that when you have a fixed belief about anything and when you are convinced that you are right just remember that there are as many viewpoints as there are possible combinations of experiences. Each of us is shaped by our experiences in life and our choices that we made along the way. To us they seem right and true. But what happens if others have not had those opportunities, good or bad. Their perceptions will be molded on those experiences and in turn they have learned other ways to protect themselves and be safe. Judgment and acceptance are opposite sides of the same mirror.

As you learn to love others, you will learn to accept yourself. They you will create space within you for others to have their experiences and not judge them for their karmic lessons or struggles. When you learn to release and forgive you will learn to see your own soul more clearly.


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