Monday, March 16, 2009

Learning to give your greatest gift

Well, the stock market is up but I would not count my chickens before they are hatched. The news came out with the fact that they think the recession will be over by the end of the year but astrologically from the fall of 09 through the fall of 10 is actually the low point.

Now anyone who knows me, knows that I am the eternal optimist. But this astrological pattern has not been in our realm of influence for about 80 years. I am a person who likes to observe patterns of behavior and consciousness. We are all human and all of us can get lulled into patterns of complacency that must energetically be unwound. This is one of those moments.

I personally think that Obama is going to make some wonderful shifts but those huge changes will take a couple of years to implement. I know we live in a society that is used to getting everything we want right now. But major shifts of culture, money, economy, and personal patterns of spending money, take time to adjust. I do not think it has to be gloom and doom unless you decide to do excessive things that are going to put you in the hole financially. If everyone cuts back on the spending and learns to eat at home and take lunches to work, we will all make it through this pattern pretty effectively.

I am looking at all the monumental changes that we are all going to see over the next few years with wonder and excitement. We can create a world of abundance and respect for our earth and each other. However, the way the money patterns have been running governments and banks is going to have to change.

Some may not like it.

Many will resist shifting the personal patterns that they need to change. But ultimately the trends and patterns have a life of their own. I prefer to walk consciously through the doorways being presented than be dragged kicking and screaming through them.

Change can be intense. If you look historically at humanity we have made huge blunders and terrible things have happened but then the power of the human spirit will rise up and create amazing trends of expansion and growth. It is just the way it is. It has always been this way.

You are alive on one of the most amazing times this planet has ever seen. You are here to help make the shift of consciousness into a new domain of peace, prosperity, and technological growth that will free up all of humanity. This is an exciting time to be alive.

So what is your personal contribution? What does your spirit feel compelled to accomplish during your time here? What do you need to express and share before it is your time to exit this existence?

For each of you that answer will be very different. And only you will be able to follow your own soul's breadcrumb trail to wholeness. We each will find others who will assist us along the way. There are some that share through inspiration, by their example, or by those who believe in us and want to give us tools or assistance along the way.

I am always so grateful when those people show up in my life.

The other day someone said to me that I was doing a tremendous amount of work for a group that I work with. That person thought that I was overdoing it. But in my life I have been helped out at the most crucial moments. When I did not know which way to go, someone always magically appeared and had the skill that I needed to learn. Those wonderful people were so patient and helpful to me that I feel compelled to "Pay it forward" so to speak.

How can you do the same? You have skills and insights that might be tremendously helpful to others. When you share your knowledge with others the wisdom is passed forward and human growth and potential is improved. Wisdom and knowledge is not something that you should keep to yourself. It is something to be shared and expressed in such a way that it has a life of its own and moves outward in circles of support and love.

The only way I know to do that is through stepping out of what I need in the moment and feeling into someone else's heart. What I want to give may not be what someone actually needs in the moment. If I only give what I want to give, that is an indication that I am still operating from ego. When I step out of what I think is my gift and feel into what someone needs in the moment and give to them from the place of their deepest yearning, something magical begins to happen.

The other person feels heard, respected, understood, and loved. They then receive the energy and hope that they need to continue their quest to express their greatest gift rather than be the perpetuator of my egos need to have them do it my way or to bolster what I need to be true in that moment.

It frees them up to become their greatest self. That is what is really wonderful. No one wants to be a copy cat of another. If you are in that place you just have not yet learned how to have enough confidence in your uniqueness to express it effectively in the world. But it will happen. Everyone has, at some time, found a person, belief system, religion, or perspective that came close enough to your truth that you might have gotten caught up in it for a moment. You wanted to be like that person and suddenly began dressing like them or imitating them. This could also be a belief system where you wanted to belong and began repeating the belief system as if it is your truth. But understanding knowledge and the full embodiment of experiencing truth for yourself is a very different affair.

Take the time to risk finding what is your truth. You have something unique that wants to find a way to express itself. That will be a long and arduous trek. But it will be full of adventure, love, and trust. It will be a life full of experiences that become the expression, story, and myth that is your life.

Give it a shot. You have nothing to loose and everything to find. Nothing is more sacred that the exploration into the self.


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