Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Changes in the November energy

You would think after all the stresses and changes over the last few months that we could catch a break for just a second. But as usual, life is rarely fair. After all, we are in the acceleration time of Cauac in the Mayan calendar and whether we like it or not we are continuing to speed up. Life is requiring more and more of our attention, concentration, and awareness to navigate through these amazing and transformative times. So, November seems to continue this amazing shift that we are all feeling planetarily.

What is interesting about these cards this month is the duality between the Cups and the Wands. Wands represent fire and the energetic bursts that happen to force us to shift energy and perceptions. Cups represent the deep needs and desires, as well as, the emotional tools we may need to move through chaotic and challenging times. The balance between these cards is attempting to show us how to get through this months intensity without feeling as if you are going to fall apart. You have choices to make. What choices you make will determine how you feel and how you handle this incoming energy.

The first thing to remember is that freedom is a choice. Not everyone wants it or knows how to be responsible with that level of awareness and accountability. As Americans we want everyone to feel our way of being. It is a wonderful thing to be born into this world and to have the freedoms that we are blessed with in this time. But in other places those choices do not always come easily and there are tremendous problems to overcome in order to achieve certain goals.

November really makes this duality more and more obvious in the world political game. It is difficult to not get caught up in the suffering and drama that we see played out in the world stage day after day.

Major conflicts are a given this month. How you decide to stay present and centered within those conflicts are the issue. Where do you stand up for what is true and right? How do you do that effectively without overriding others desires, needs, and personal wishes? Just because it is right for us does not mean it is right for others.

Stresses will be high and there will be the feeling of wanting to contract down and protect yourself and what is yours. You will find yourself at many impasses and directions that seemed perfect are going to require major adjustments as our ego will be required to let go some more and find other ways.

This month you will need some good healthy, strong, boundaries, as well as, the ability to observe with detachment from an open mind and an open heart. Everything is happening for a reason. Though at times it may seem as if the universe seems out to get you personally. Do not let the externals that you do not have control over break down the deep emotional connections you have with those you love.

If you navigate then tumultuous waters of November well you will discover that love and the deepening of emotional attachments can increase through the conflicts that are affecting this month. So you are not without support if you are willing to open your heart and share your deepest feelings with those close to you. You may feel as if you can finally trust your partner and that gives a feeling of renewed pleasure and comfort. Others can recognize your kindness, love, and honor and you can make some great headway towards a long-term goal on which you have been working.


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