Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 12/20/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 12/20/17
12/20/17 is the number 6. Spirit calls to you in the moments of silence. Stillness beckons you to find your center and respond rather than react. There is no escaping the intensity of these times but you can find a place from which to flow. Do not align with the external stressors but connect with your internal core essence. He or she knows the way through this maze of chaos. Trust your heart and take moments to completely release your head and mind. They cannot help in such situations. Only a fully integrated self that is connected to the great beyond can see which paths to take when they present.
While a square between Venus and Chiron can point to blocks to intimacy and insecurities, a trine between Venus and Uranus also forms today and can take you out of that protective shell, encouraging you to be bolder, stronger, louder, and more outspoken. It is time to tune into your more innovative nature and reach out of that box you have been living in, to discover that you have more to offer than what you have presently been giving at this time. The world needs each and every one of you. There is a great interest in all that is new, unusual, and out-of-the-ordinary. You might find that it is more concentrated in romantic involvements, entertainment or pleasures, and financial undertakings. You may be experimenting, improvising, and trying on new ways to relate to others. You may be opening to alternative ways to make (or spend) money. Try being freer with your feelings, and find beauty in the unfamiliar or uncommon. The Moon is in responsible, intelligent Capricorn until 9:30 PM EST, and with the emotional Moon in this practical sign, you look for ways to make you feel more secure and in control. The Moon transits Aquarius from 9:30 PM forward, enticing you to move away from those things that are overly traditional or classic.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Maybe if you had truly listened
you would have heard the words
not what you wanted to hear.
Maybe if you had truly listened
you would have noticed what
was not said and intentionally left out.
Maybe if you had truly listened
you would have seen in to the real energy
that was beating inside that heart.
Maybe if you had truly listened
you would have recognized
your own vulnerability.
~Suzanne Wagner~


In chaos, you can find clarity.
Not in the way you think.
That is because chaos
destabilizes your old way
and forces you into a new way
of being in alignment with the earth.
Chaos shows you that you are never really in charge.
There is something vaster and greater
that rules this world and it is not your mind.
But if you align your heart with the core values
of this world, then your mind must come into alignment
with that center that is all of life.
Because you cannot exist or thrive
if you do not live from the center.
You cannot survive at the volatile edge of a hurricane.
Survival depends on finding that center
and moving with it until the storm dissipates.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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