Friday, December 15, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 12/16/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 12/16/17
12/16/17 is the number 2. You can be a positive person in a negative world. Yes, that takes a bit of effort just remember that you must stay true to the reality and not hide your head in the sand. You can look at situations with honest eyes and still know that inside you that you are keeping aligned with your integrity and personal values. But you have to see the truth. That is the only way to be able to take the necessary steps to support the changes that are necessary to create a better world. You either contribute to healing suffering or you contribute to the suffering. You always have choice as we are in a free will zone. Stay awake. See what is really right there. Listen when your whole self and choose the path of truth in the face of those who wish to pull you into the darkness.
The Sun forms a trine with Uranus and Pallas. It is time to take an original, and unique approach to your life. You can experience a stronger desire to seek out meaning, wisdom, and mental stimulation. In such trying times the greatest skill you can have in your toolbox is flexibility. Open up to make some creative changes and discoveries, experiment with new possibilities, or invent a new way of doing things. Opportunities abound so take advantage of unusual or unconventional ways of doing things. As the day progresses, you move into a semi-square between Venus and Mars, which can trigger your competitive side. This can make your day more tense and destructive or stimulating and invigorating, depending on your attitude! The Moon spends the day in Sagittarius, encouraging you to think big and reach out beyond your usual routines.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I call out to the hearts that have fallen asleep.
I call to the souls to remember we are all one.
I call to those in pain because I hear you.
I call to those that hate because you are lost.
I call to those who think they are righteous
because they are still in the shadowlands.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I will never accept meanness and cruelty.
I will never accept that a person
cannot help themselves from acting
in ways that cause suffering.
Humans have the capacity to be
one of the most evolved beings
on this planet and that requires that you
contribute to this planet that has given you life.
I believe that change can happen.
I believe that truth wins in the end.
I believe that we are better than this.
I know that some souls have not evolved
to certain higher vibrational levels
and that is why there are laws.
Certain souls need rules to follow
while they expand into
the highest form of human potential.
But those that tout that they are on the path
of righteousness and yet they do not embody
the intention of those sacred words …. Lie.
Those that twist the words to match
their delusions are feeding into the darkness.
And those that use sacred words
as a manipulation to harm
and cause suffering create
even more misery for themselves.
Such people are vibrating at the lowest of levels.
There are huge consequences
for taking things that are most sacred
and twisting them into puppets for evil.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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