Saturday, December 16, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 12/17/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 12/17/17
12/17/17 is the number 3. What makes you happy this holiday season? Take a moment to reflect on that and do your best to move towards those small things that you remember give meaning to your holidays in the past. For some it is giving to others. For some it is the tastes and special foods that only show up during this time of year. I often wonder why we do not bring some of those sensations and flavors into our life more frequently. Make an early New Year’s promise to yourself to allow that specialness to infiltrate your life more fully. Surprise everyone with that special food that makes them feel special. We are in the season of appreciation. Why not take it more often into our daily world?
The quest for truth and meaning continues under this astrology. Saturn is preparing to go into its home sign of Capricorn and there is a feeling of concentration of the energy and an attempt to distill it down into something that you can understand and utilize. As Saturn prepares to leave Sagittarius take a moment to reflect on how much your beliefs have changed and how much the shattering of those beliefs have contributed to the chaos that we are particularly in. You should recognize that your intuition, dreams, and feeling body is more awake but also perhaps more in turmoil. Each of you is feeling a type of hunger. A hunger for peace, a hunger for connection, a hunger for hope. Notice what is paramount in your mind and allow these dark days to help you listen to the whispers of the divine and help you gather strength that will help you see your resilience. The Moon is in Sagittarius all day, with a New Moon occurring early into the day tomorrow. The Sagittarius Moon loves exploration, philosophy, and taking risks that are new and fun. Try to tie up loose ends before all your guests show up for the holidays. Now is the time. Notice the things that are ending in your life. Reflect on choices that allow for a more innovative approach now.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I am perfectly imperfect.
I allow the Divine to look at how I see the world.
I show the perspective of my heart to you.
I see the spark of light through your eyes.
I long to experience who you really are.
I walk this journey of discovery again.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Highlights for my article on Saturn in Capricorn. Enjoy.

Saturn in Capricorn teaches that to succeed you have to exceed your expectations.

When Saturn in Capricorn is in perfect balance, this energy has a dose of realism without pessimism.

Saturn teaches that you have to work through fear and anxiety. He is the lesson that wanting and achieving are not always the same thing.

Saturn is a Master Teacher. Saturn teaches that wisdom is learned through effort.

Pluto has been generating fear on the soul level since 2008 when it entered Capricorn. Saturn brings the fear onto the earth level, making things very real.

Saturn’s plan is that we must recognize our own shadow fully and not just the shadow in others.

Under Saturn in Capricorn, human laws are no longer enough. And spiritual laws will seem antiquated and inadequate.

Wisdom is attached to learning and learning is attached to time. You cannot have wisdom without dealing with the progression of time.

The lesson of Saturn is to get out of the “pity pit” of sadness and to stop placing blame on others. You are asked to take personal responsibility for your situation and life, then deal with it.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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