Thursday, December 14, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 12/15/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 12/15/17
12/15/17 is the number 10. As Saturn prepares in the sky to change its perspective you also are being asked once again to let the past go. Seize this moment, and use that momentum to carry on forward into a new world. But Saturn is a realist and so it is important for you give credit where credit is due. If someone makes a difference in your world, tell them, thank them, appreciate them. There is power is recognizing someone’s contribution in a critical moment in your life. If you believe in your own power you will respect and honor the power of others. It is amazing how just a “Thank You!” can soften the energy between others and allow a new type of relationship and interaction to exist. It is easy to find fault. But it is difficult to thank someone for showing the way in the face of tremendous hardship and challenge. It is important to honor the brave in this world. It is important to honor those that lean into take that risk because it is what is right.
Today, take a moment to slip into someone else's shoes. Recognize that negotiating and harmonizing is an essential skill to have at the moment. With the retrograde Mercury conjuncting Venus in Sagittarius, you will feel a desire to think and talk about your feelings, beliefs, and relationship in a stronger and more outspoken way. Do your best to not intellectualize feelings or your affections for others at this time. The desire for harmony and balance is so intense that you might not dig too deeply and miss something critical for your decision and choice. Mentally, you are a bit off center and you are not as disciplined as you would like. Yes, we are in a season where most people prefer to chat with others and to think about pleasant things. But that real world is knocking and you can only stay in that bubble for so long before the planet Saturn is going to come knocking into Capricorn on the 19th of December, reminding us that all things of value have to be worked for with determination and focus. As Saturn comes in and we go into the darkest time (Winter Solstice) it is a time to really allow the natural flow that wants to slow down to take you over and give you the time to reflect on the many possibilities and pitfalls that are potentially on their way. Friday is an excellent day to talk about your relationship needs. But look deeper than then that. Look past the personal and into the global needs that are calling out so loudly. If you cannot hear the suffering in the world you have gone deaf to your own inner voice that is connected to all life and all things. In our busyness, we can get distracted and feel as if "We just don't have time for it all." No one has time for it all. But pick one thing that you can do and then be consistent in that. It's a sociable time, but it's also a time for looking back at old issues in a new, although possibly glossed-over, way. Whether or not glossing over is helpful may be the question -- some things belong in the past, and you should leave them there to decay in life's natural fashion. So, stop digging up the bodies of your past selves and instead move forward into your new and more conscious self. You have a doorway to start fresh, and certainly, the ideas percolating around feel new and exciting. All while you are also doing some recycling of old perspectives. Later today, the Sun and Chiron form a square, this may create a dip in confidence or faith in what you thought was the new direction. But remain resolute to your principles. That is essential following others' leads, may be regrettable at a later moment. The Moon continues its transit of Scorpio until 8:08 PM EST when it moves into the sign of Sagittarius.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I’d rather fly free in the open air of truth
even if that life was brief and intense.
I’d rather run wild in nature
becoming one with all of life
even if my body never knew
the wisdom of age.
I rather have a life like a storm
than be safe in a gilded cage of luxury.
I’d rather be an old lady
with wondrous stories to tell
than waste a precious life
waiting for something to happen.
I refuse to wait on the will of heaven
because I am a small part of heaven
here on this earth right now.
I have all I need
to find what it is I seek.
I have all the connections
above and below
that will guide me through
all challenges towards wonder.
~Suzanne Wagner~

To the brave and the bold
I send out a shout.
To the courageously compassionate
I send my love and support.
To those who still sit
on their hands and close their eyes
I look at you with the eyes
of a wise mother who knows
that you must discover
that success in the “real world”
is always defined by action
not in-action.
There is no excuse
for a lack of response
when others strive to do
what is right in the face
of hatred and distain.
A lack of movement and choice
indicates a type of deep inner rage
with the self that is still unhealed
and festering in its pain.
The healing begins
when you choose movement
over stagnating fear.
The healing begins
when you stop
removing yourself
from life but fully embrace it.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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