Monday, December 18, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 12/19/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 12/19/17
12/19/17 is the number 5. It is time to prepare for the next cycle of Saturn in Capricorn and the numerology is a reminder that things are going to get very muddy, messy, dirty, and sweaty. It is all about what you do on this planet and in this world. Your actions are what is noticed and what can impact positively or negatively. So, stay grounded. Do what presents right in front of you, moment by moment. Distractions are potentially dangerous and risky. You must learn to move from your core and your center only. I know this energy is very chaotic and many feel off center because of extraneous thoughts running through their mind while they are attempting to go through the motions of daily life. Stay focused on what you are doing not what you are thinking. It will be easier and safer for all of those you love and connect with.
On Tuesday, Saturn moves into Capricorn through 2020. This changes the very structure of your life. It is also the combination of an initiation into a higher order, assuming you are ready to go there. If not, then it is the task master that will get you prepared and force you to wake up and deal with your present reality. Serious choices need to be made in the coming year, choices that go beyond your day to day “stuff.” On the esoteric level, this is the combination of initiation into a new order, where you go beyond the confines of this material existence into a larger consciousness. Saturn rules Capricorn and is comfortable in this position, performing well. This longer-term cycle is a time of increased responsibility, structure, and discipline. This is a time for turning a critical eye to those external situations that are out of alignment with the natural order or re-direct your life path choices that no longer accurately reflect who you truly are. You will notice where there is a lack of structure and you will make it very clear to those with more authority to do what is right and good. Where Saturn transits in your charts, you make decide that it is time to cut your losses and rebuild your life in a new with, with little help from external forces. This cycle is going to be about sacrifice and the things that matter so much that you are willing to do the hard work to get there with little reward. This is a time for simplifying your life, clean out clutter, and making clear choices and decisions. It is clear that there is a lot that isn't working. You finally recognize that you cannot count on others to define your path. You must choose your path knowing that there is no easy door and then embrace that choice totally. Those who are not willing to listen and do the work necessary to serve life and all things good on this planet will need to be let go of. Saturn always rewards effort. So, put on your work boots, gloves, and hat. You are about to get your hands very dirty. With the Moon is in responsible Capricorn all day, take your time and remember to be a little more cautious than usual.
~Suzanne Wagner~

You don’t have a right
to the cards you believe
you should have been dealt.
You have an obligation
to play the hell out
of the ones
you’re holding.
~Cheryl Strayed~

There is an impermanence to life that is becoming more and more obvious. When life has hit a particular plateau, the death process fades into the background. But now because of the circumstances in our world, those that are suffering, instead of being hidden behind the consistency that lulled us all into complacency is now in the forefront. People with disabilities are going to Washington DC and confronting the horrible choices of those in charge who hold the gavel of who lives and who dies in their very hands. And suddenly those who we attempted to ignore in our arrogance are (in their weakness and struggle) showing more strength and determination than many others would have greater capacity but less willingness. That is because these choices happening in this world behind closed doors of the most influential and powerful cause more harm and suffering and can be a death sentence to so many. There is a point when you have lost so much, then there is nothing really left to lose. When you have stared into the eyes of death on a daily basis, there is nothing really left to fear. Now that impermanence of life is stalking all of us. That shadow self has awakened and you recognize that any of us could leave at any time. When time is so limited, what would you choose? If your life could stand for something that would carry you through those pearly gates, what would it be? Be a voice for those that have less. Be a helping hand to those less fortunate. Make a life that has some meaning that allows your heart and wisdom to be a gift in the world.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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