Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 8/23/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/23/17
8/23/17 is the number 5. It is time for your independent, free-thinking self to come back into the forefront. There are many lessons that were learned this last year and through the chaos and confusion there is a new individualism that is emerging. Your courage in the face of great challenge has mad you less idealistic and more healed. Through the past challenges, you now know yourself better than ever before and you emerge from this battle perhaps a bit scarred but more vitally alive and awake. You have an opportunity to choose mercy and kindness, not because you are told to but because you now see the value in it and you feel that compassion deeply inside for yourself, your journey and now finally others. This is a number of action and your actions from today forward are even more important than before. It is your heart and love that influence others. It is your sympathetic essence that will motivate change in others. It is time to embrace your unconventional curiosity and find that telepathic connection to all of life. You are a part of that life. You are essential to the growth and progression of where we are going on this planet. Give your gifts and bring your truth into the complex soup of this creation.
The Moon continues its transit of practical, detail-oriented Virgo until 9:05 PM EDT, helped along by a Pluto-Vesta trine that encourages commitment to your work or self-improvement goals. You can be happy to tackle your to-do list now. The Moon moves into Libra when it leaves Virgo tonight, and you are looking to build more harmony and balance in your life, particularly in your relationships. You are moving towards a trine between Venus and Chiron, exact early tomorrow, which provides you with beautiful opportunities to open ourselves up to learning and growing through your relationships. You are inclined to see less fault in others, you are open to new ways of interacting, and you see more potential in one another than usual.
~Suzanne Wagner~

There is a raging sea inside a teardrop.
There is a storm inside a whisper.
There is a silent call from those in desperation.
If you really listen, there is no silence
unless you focus on the emptiness of no-mind.
~Suzanne Wagner~

The weather is cooling off here in California and the marine layer is attempting to reach up to my house. Eventually it will spill over and then I will know that we are going into the cooler season here. I am grateful that in my immediate area the fires that have plagued so many areas have missed us here. We are energetically moving into a very different place of energy and time. What that will look like is anyone’s guess but we are not out of the woods and there is still much work to be done as we revamp our world. I pray for a calmer time though I recognize that so much has been stirred up that peace and the energetic shift that is necessary will take years to heal. But this process has awoken within all of us a deep understanding that passivity is not working and now only active, educated, and informed people holding the clarity of facts and truth will be able to shift this toxic dysfunction into something else that the world can use. We are all living in a very interesting time. Stay awake. Know your limits. Trust your intuition and you will find the way through this jungle of chaos.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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