Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blog for 4/23/14 Quote, Numerology for the Day, Personal Blog

Numerology for 4/23/14
Today is the number 7 and this number is all about boundaries. Since everyone did such a great job taking a look at the color of their energy through their inner eye yesterday, now we are going to try to enhance that energy and color. Because the number 7 is all about finding ways to strengthening you aura so it can protect you from misfortunes and assist in the integration of your mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. Your aura is connected to the electromagnetic field that surrounds all life. It is also similar to the atmosphere that surrounds our world in an envelope of protection. When that atmosphere combines with the electromagnetic field and then together they integrate with gravity, dangerous solar waves, space debris, and meteors just bounce off these 3 layers of protection. You have the same system within your body. Your aura (mental body) can connect to your physical energy, and then the two of them can connect to your spiritual body and when those work in sync, you are shielded and protected from a lot of chaotic energy that is constantly surrounding you. But if you think that your spiritual body is supposed to be perfect and do all the work and you do not acknowledge the physical body then that disconnect creates breaks in your energy field and you feel hit by negative patterns. Same is true is you believe that your mental body is the best and brightest and you put all your faith in your mind, your thinking, your powers of observation, etc, then you may not believe that your spirit could protect you in a crisis. Which is can and will gladly do when necessary. Each layer of energy has its positives and ways that it moves organically. It is critical to learn ways to honor all, pay attention and value each, notice what they need, and become consistent in the weaving of these energies. Then you will feel as if you could weather a storm and not feel disconnected to the moment. If you are spacing out in stressful moments it is simply an indicator that you have holes in your auric web and it is time to find how to reconnect and empower your energy bodies to do what they naturally know how to do. We will discuss this more in the blog today.
Suzanne Wagner~

If you come to a place of total helplessness, total powerlessness, don't resist, just observe... You might find something that up until then you have been missing.
~ Mooji~

Mooji’s quote is wonderful because it offers up the constant solution to situations that seem beyond your control. Accept the feeling in the moment. Recognize that it is just a moment. Allow no resistance to the situation and calmly observe what is happening. When you react to things you are giving your energy away to others and you are fracturing your aura. Fear makes your energy body spike and leap. But that creates little holes or big holes depending on how much you allow a pattern to continue.

What can you do to support the 3 energy bodies to weave and merge into a solid protection and yet make it permeable so that love can also enter? First you have to learn to listen to your body and what it needs moment by moment. Sometimes that is exercise, sometimes that is supplements, sometimes it is homeopathics, etc. There are so many ways that the body needs your awareness and support to be able to keep you grounded and stable in the world. If you cannot learn how to take care of your needs you cannot have substance in the real world. Without substance others will not pay much attention to you. Your life force will not seem strong enough to make them respect you. Next you need to learn how much your mind controls your reality. Perception is everything and minds can be trained. You have trained your right now to notice and respond to certain situations. Do you like how you have trained your mind? If not you have to learn communication skills with yourself to inspire and motivate you into a new place. Finally we come to your spiritual body. Without hope and faith in something beyond your limited experience of reality, you will wither and die. Knowing that you are part of a greater whole is deeply gratifying and soulfully peaceful. Feeling into your spirit and what your highest self feels compelled to do will give you a map for your life. If you do not know your gifts or that you make a difference in the world, life will feel hard and full of suffering. Take care of this magical weaving that you are. Allow yourself to discover how when you connect and honor the three bodies that you are more protected, stronger, and more able to withstand intense moments with grace.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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