Sunday, March 16, 2014

Personal Note for 3/17/14 - Numerology, Quote and Blog

Numerology for 3/17/14
Today is the number 9. The number 9 represents the empathetic body or the subtle energy body. When you die, your physical body dies but your subtle energy remains intact. The subtle body is intimately connected to the soul and is the energy that carries the soul to the next level. When you have visions of saints, gurus, teachers, and past loved ones on the other side, what you are seeing is their subtle body. Your subtle energy body is what makes you sensitive to your environment and the small non-verbal cues that come from others. The more aware you are of your subtle body the more aware you are of the myriad messages that come from the infinite to you in each and every moment. Today, take the time to practice tuning into your subtle energy body. Allow that part of yourself to tune you up to the mysteries that surround all of life. To do that you have to master the art of calmness.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Perhaps the most important thing we bring to another person is the silence in us, not the sort of silence that is filled with unspoken criticism or hard withdrawal. The sort of silence that is a place of refuge, of rest, of acceptance of someone as they are. We are all hungry for this other silence. It is hard to find. In its presence we can remember something beyond the moment, a strength on which to build a life. Silence is a place of great power and healing.
~ Rachel Naomi Remen~

Exhale and let go into the silence. Inside that chatterbox of your mind you are actually a very peaceful and quiet essence. In our busyness we forget and we can get caught up in the drama that is life. Life loves to create more things. Nature abhors a void and where there is emptiness, life will fill it up. It is just the nature of things. The only problem is that we forget to practice the process of exhalation. Letting go of things, the past, expectations, feelings, hurt, despair, thought, beliefs, etc is supposed to be a natural ongoing occurrence. We wonder why we cannot get what we want or what we can see in our mind. The easy answer is that you have to let go of something, create a space, and then allow the universe to fill it back up again. When you are attached to the ā€œIā€ you may relentlessly hand on like a miser to any and everything. But that creates inside a constant state of contraction, fear, and unwillingness to trust. In such a state you can see everyone as your enemy and your ego will feed that fear and make you hang on to things that you have outgrown. In the Mayan tradition, they make these necklaces of meaning. Is it similar to a mala. They are woven out of patterns and colors that the person is attempting to integrate. When they feel they have fully integrated that particular pattern, they give the mala away to the next person they believe is working on that frequency. It would be a lovely way to live. Whenever you have integrated a lesson, the talisman for that lesson you would give away. You do not need it because you have become it. You can never loose what you have fully embodied. Today take a look at what you need to let go of. Gift it to another. Pass the energy, lesson, and wisdom forward.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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