Sunday, January 27, 2013


Osho Zen Tarot: Receptivity, Laziness, Thunderbolt
Medicine Cards: Blank Shield, Squirrel, Elk
Mayan Oracle: Transparency, Cauac
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: The Fool, The Hermit, Ace of Cups
Aleister Crowley Deck: Fortune, The Devil, The Star
As the astrological shifts continue to wander towards a better place of resolution and clarity, March asks us to become the receptive vessel of presence through the art of listening. Listening is a skill that can be difficult for some to learn. To listen you are required for a time to step out of yourself and into a place of active openness. It requires you to step into the full presence of who you are without attachment, judgment, or need to have a goal. Receptivity is a feminine form of active listening.
I know that many of us have had the experience of speaking from our heart and sharing when you notice that the other person is really not with you. They do not feel present. They feel bored. They are distracted and appear to be sleepy or uninterested. Nothing is more heart breaking then to realize that someone is not feeling your heart and not with you in the conversation. Often when we realize that is happening we quickly finish the conversation and put our need to the side as we become uncomfortable at feeling so vulnerable when another is not interested. It is almost embarrassing.
Now, sometimes it can be us that is co-creating them not being receptive to what we are saying. Perhaps we are saying the same thing over and over again and the other person does not know how to help us find a resolution. But sometimes the other person is locked within himself or herself and unable to open in the passive art of presence to listen.
I have found that people will often self correct when you allow them to flow with your full conscious presence and open receptive heart. Especially women. Women need to process their feelings by sharing. Other women are often great at having some skill in the flow of emotions and can more easily allow another woman to express, vent, and share. Men are often more challenged in this area as it feels to them as if their woman is repeating, navigating the same pattern over and over, and not letting situations or circumstances go. And they are also right. Women can get caught in a loop of emotional habits and expressions as a way to release internal tension from their life that has built up.
It is a real art to find the place to sit with another that listens actively and can allow the heart to guide the other to a new place of clarity and resolution. To do that requires all your focus and energy and it can be quite tiring.
I have seen great teachers have great power through their compassion and heart presence. When they are with another they guide and heal the other with what seems as if no words. But words are only 20% of communication. The other 80% is body language, eye contact, and compassionate receptivity. This is a tremendous force that can heal and transform.
It has happened to me that in the presence of a great teacher I have become uncomfortable with my drama and distorted reality by feeling the huge love and compassion coming from the teacher. Their stillness and clarity became a mirror upon which I could see my own distorted reality. With shocking clarity I could see I was speaking from my personality rather than my authentic self. Only then was I able to stop speaking and step out of my drama into the freeing expression of my soul.
This is the month to practice a deeper way of being with another. March is the month when you realize that you have somehow become complacent and it is time to move on. If this astrology has taught us anything since 2008 it is that nothing is forever. We have been forced to move many things in our external world but now we can see that it is our internal state that has been even more stuck. That stuckness has been making you feel lethargic, unmotivated, and directionless. Life is amazing and if you are feeling lazy or bored you are in a state of negative mind. Instead attempt to shift your awareness into the place of non-doing.
Some people mistake non-doing as laziness. But they are not the same. When you are being lazy you are not deceiving anyone but yourself. When you are in non-doing you are full of energy, radiant, vibrating with the natural flow of life and witnesses every moment as a miracle.
Something sudden and miraculous is coming towards you. Your job is to be fully present and a blank shield upon which to allow the event to ignite your spirit to a place that it previously could not have conceived. You have to believe that if it is happening that you are prepared and ready. You have to know that you have the stamina to go the distance. You have to know that hiding being your ego’s personality will not work at this time. You have to trust that inside you is a guiding light that knows the way. You have to be willing to look foolish and not fit into others boxes of perception. You have to be willing to stretch into the unknown darkness within and find the places that you do not love yourself.

You are being transformed into something divine. You are being stripped of your old personality. You are being freed of the rules of your ego that have hampered your progression. The cold winter freeze is preparing to melt away the rigid patterns of your identity, so that in the warmth of April you will spring into light of your true self for all to see. Allow yourself to melt. Feel the freedom that receptive openness brings. Embrace the unknown and you will finally know yourself.


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