Thursday, January 10, 2013

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of February 2013

In the midst of the month of red hearts, roses, and love there appears to be a bit of stress and strain in the emotional sector. The good new is that it is not as bad as anything that we have been through in 2012 but it will put a bit of a wilt on some of our flowers. 

It seems that nothing that transpires is going to be some great shocking wave of discord, which is really a relief after what we have all been through. It looks as if it will manifest as more of the coming to a head of situations and circumstances that have been slowly coming to a boil over the past few years. 
You will not be surprised at the situations that unfold around you and yet there is still that pain and sadness that needs to be felt and moved through. You will see where you disconnected from certain people, patterns, or perspectives because of fear, contraction, ego, needing to be right, and resentment. Now you either have the energy to deal more directly with these things or the timing is better and the flow simply points you in the direction of resolution and completion.

This is a month when you embrace and integrate the patterns of disharmony in your life. When you are in alignment with your natural flow there is a feeling of return to the home that is within you. No one person has the corner on the market to enlightenment. You are unraveling so many past life fears, patterns, constrictions, wisdoms, and passions. It would be impossible for anyone to know how to unravel the wonder within you. It is up to you to find your truths and gifts, then to find the way to share them with others. 

None of us really know what we are or what we will become. If you think you know then that is your ego talking and often it is creating an impossible standard to uphold or attain. That creates tremendous stress and exhaustion that collapses us rather than inspires us to continue to move forward.
There is a wild card at work in your life right now and you should expect to be touched in some way by destiny. That does not mean the touch of destiny will be pleasant. That does not mean the touch of destiny will be gentle. 

It does mean that you will experience an interdimensional shift. Something is coming that will potentially drastically change the course of your life. You are being moved into a place of open consciousness. 

Are you willing to surrender to that flow? Are you willing to allow the hand of fate to shift your reality into a more aligned and refined position? Can you let go of needing to know the way to allow the way to guide you instead? Are you centered and confident enough to know that you can trust the universe regardless of what it manifests in your life?

The key is flexibility, openness, and the understanding that wisdom comes from loosening the holds over the reality in which you are cocooned. There is another way. There is another doorway. It is right in front of you. But you must be willing to find the passionate heart within, practice peacefulness, see the balance that is organically calling to you right now, and embrace everything that your judge internally and externally.

You cannot be open if you are protecting and hiding parts that you think are not divine. Every part of you is beautiful. Your sorrow is sweet and opens others hearts when expressed authentically. Your anger is a reminder that you have boundaries that at times need to be respected. Your fear is asking others to see you but to know that you are delicate and tender inside. Your resentment is the passion that you have refused to express because of what others might think and judge about you. You anxiety is where you do not feel as if you fit or belong in this time and space.

So you see none of those emotions are really a problem. They simply are what being human is all about. The only problem comes in when you deny the natural existence of the divine order and flow that is a part of all life. 

It takes a tremendous amount of energy to deny the truth of human expression. What could you be doing with that energy instead? Imagine the possibilities.

If you let go of the future for just a moment and sat in the middle of your being with the clarity of a beginners mind you would discover so many wonders that you have been ignoring, passing over, or never noticing. Then life would be filled with your glorious light and presence in each and every precious moment. 

Then you would become the valentine in the truest sense. We are all waiting and longing for your presence to enrich and enhance our life. And we are waiting even more passionately for ourself to become whole, happy, and the mystery we came to give.

Happy Valentines Day!


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