Sunday, September 02, 2012

The Journey of Separation. Beginning Again.

We are moving towards the second square in the Uranus/Pluto drama and as that combined with the Blue Moon on August 31st, many of us felt as if we were in a double emotional wave of intensity. Many are feeling drama fatigue and we are looking at situations from the past with new eyes of awareness that see the dysfunction of ourself and those around us. 

I notice that the co-dependency factor on others is greatly diminished as the true colors of all of us are being revealed in the blatant light of Uranus and Pluto. Uranus is about revelation and that revelation seems to be one of seeing the truth that might have been staring us in the face but that we did not want to see. The Pluto within us has wanted to hold on and not shift into the maelstrom of this storm. It has felt like trying to hold onto a tree while a tornado is trying to drag you into its center. In September, the storm is going to win and you might feel yourself being transported into another world by the end of the year. 

Many of you are already letting go. Many of you are grieving the past illusion that you wanted to create. Even when you know it is gone we can stubbornly cling to an ideal even when we know we are being childish. Change happens and the next 3 years will show us a degree of change that many of us have not seen, ever. Right now, you know it is going to happen and the only way through is to let things play themselves out. You actually do not know the outcome. The players in your game also do not know the outcome. The changes in the rules and choices moment-by-moment are shifting at a startling rate. Just when you think you know what is the outcome, one choice or decision can make what you thought was going to be the reality suddenly quite different. The only way to play it is moment by moment.

Personally for myself I am seeing this as the latest computer game in which the characters and sequences can magically alter for no apparent reason. Regardless, you are playing a game and if you want to continue you must deal with the reality of the new and ever changing rules. You cannot argue with the game maker, this is what this game is and you love this game for its spontaneity and the thrill of the challenges. When I see life as the game I have chosen to learn and grow from I am able to take the upsets less seriously and I find the joy in the moment rather than trying to make the picture in my mind come to reality.

In moments like these I fall back into my Joseph Campbell training about the Hero's Journey. All of us are doing our own Hero's Journey. Each journey begins with the hero separating from his or her old reality. Now I know that many of us feel as if we have been experiencing multiple separations from the old reality since 2008, and we have. But this one seems to have woken us up to an understanding that any illusions from the past have to finally be let go of permanently. 

That is scary. Where does that leave you? In a place where you do not know what is around the corner and now it is just about accepting each moment as it comes with grace, awareness, and a new kind of fearlessness that comes from knowing that the universe has not ever really let you fall through the cracks yet, and it probably will not now. That does not mean that the journey is going to be easy. 

Whenever you begin such a hero's quest, the hero is going to encounter trials and tribulations. During the trials, you do not always win. In fact most of the time you loose in some way. But you do not really loose. You loose your ego. You loose your faith. You loose getting what you want and what you think you deserve. Bu do you really loose?

I find that instead, I uncover the deeper and more aware me. I find the compassionate heart within and I look at each person with a new awareness and understanding. I am on my journey but they are also on theirs. Sometimes our paths cross and sometimes they must separate.

This moment is about separating from our old self, old expectations, and old realities. What is left is what is needed for our next steps along the journey to self awareness. Try to be as loving and accepting as you say goodbye to the old, because I have found that as you come back around later (sometimes years later) the love that has been shared with others has held up to the fires of transformation. Metaphorically, we will all sit around the fire and exchange stories and still love and appreciate each other's journey's. We will tell the truth that we did not know at the time. We will apologize for our off behavior as the journey will have taught us about where we were protecting ourself and our feelings with stories about each other that we needed to use in order to have the courage to separate and claim our own path. 

Remember, those you love, you will always love. Those that are right now your adversaries will later be the people who propelled you through opposition to find out the truth of who and what you came to be. So look lovingly at those who are causing you so much grief and know that each of us is doing the best we can with this limited awareness to awaken. We each need something different and the truth of this moment is that our paths are separating for a time. Just because someone else does not want what we want does not make them bad and wrong. They have their own path. Practice focusing on being grateful that they have walked this far with you and lovingly release them and say goodbye. It is going to hurt. You are going to grieve. But it will be harder if you make up a story about them because of it.


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