Sunday, January 22, 2012

Personal Note from Suzanne 1/22/12

I am writing this on Sunday Jan 22nd, 2012 right before Mars goes retrograde in Virgo on the 23rd. I have been writing a lot of things in anticipation of the slow down that this Mars retrograde is going to create. I thought while I had the energy moving I better run with it.

So I have managed to do the Catalyst articles from February through April, write some blogs, and get the newsletters out the door for the next 3 months. I have also paid some bills ahead and I am still working on the tax stuff for tax time in April.

I love astrology because if I know that something is going to be happening during a more challenging time then I try to be one step ahead of the planets or in the case, one step ahead of the taxes. I know that I better stay on top of it otherwise I will be trying to do everything at the last minute and will must make me angry and frustrated at myself.

That is never a good idea.

My reminder to everyone is to keep a cool head. Make a plan and stick to it. Know that you will run into obstacles under these 6 retrogrades over the next 6 months. It would be wise to anticipate some drama and focus on maintaining a positive attitude. You might feel as if you have to fake it until you make it. That is okay.

Let talk about Mars in Virgo. Virgo is the sign of body, siblings, health, and attention to details. Mars is the planet of energy, conflict, power, and determination. Together they create an interesting pattern when they go retrograde.

For each person it will be different but the places to pay attention to are: conflicts with siblings, bosses, family, health, and work (and therefore money).

For the next four months it would be wise to stop and think before you speak or react. Many people will feel on edge and the slightest upset can tip the balance to the negative.

I am noticing so many people who I have know for over 10 years are emotionally at places that I have never seen them. Many people are feeling intense energetic patterns that they have never felt before. My friends and clients are all speaking to me about how they feel so reactive emotionally. The feedback is that people feel up one minute and down the next.

I include myself in that larger group.

I have also felt challenged to navigate the chaotic chatter and emotional melodrama that my mind and heart seems be manifesting. My reminder to everyone is that you are not alone. These waves of energy that are hitting us are unusual and global.

In such situations it is important to remind yourself that you are feeling things but you are also feeling everyone and everything around you at the same time. That can get confusing as to what is really your emotion and what is the world’s temperament and energetic flow.

We are all one and that connection seems to be strengthening between all of us. Personally I think that is very cool. At least, when I am not getting psychically overwhelmed with the intensity of the global condition.

The swings of emotion are wide and varied. I think this is in anticipation of the Neptune going into Pisces on Feb 3 and 4, 2012. I am trying to flow with it and pretending that I am a part of the ocean and the tidal pulls of the moon are full and deep right now.

We are learning how to become so much more aware of our world. We are stretching in ways that are challenging us to use more of our brain and energy. This is the largest growth edge I have seen in my lifetime, as it seems to be affecting everyone in his or her own personal and unique ways.

I do trust that each individual has within them their own internal map to navigate this moment. If they just go within they will find the answers they seek.

I write these articles not under the belief that I can masterfully guide all of you on your unique and personal journey at this time but to attempt to place signs and markers along the roads you are traveling to help you not feel afraid and lost.

I find that when I understand things from a wider overview perspective then I step out of the narrow perception of just my small self and issues. When I allow myself to expand and see things from an overview then I begin to understand that something greater is happening. It is not always just about me. When I step out of a narrow perspective, I see that problems and challenges in my life are not "God" trying to make me miserable but the divine expanding everyone simultaneously to create a major shift in awareness.

I see the wonder and miracle that it is to be alive on the planet at this time. I see this moment as an incredible gift to be a witness at such an awakening of consciousness. Then I want to participant in the way that the universe designed for me to assist.

The job is just for me to become aware of what the universe needs from me moment to moment. I do not always need to know. I just need to be open to the flow that is happening all around. I just need to trust my heart and connect to others when I feel pulled or compelled to help.

Somehow that feels so much simpler than to feel that I need to know everything in every moment.

I thank all of you for reading my musings and allowing me to give my gifts in simple and humble ways.


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