Saturday, January 21, 2012

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of February 2012

We have finally made it to the amazing coming of Neptune in Pisces on Feb 3-4, 2012. All the Pisces should be breathing a collective sigh of relief for the first time in a very long time. For the next 13 years the watery, boundry-less expansion of love and consciousness becomes the norm and pattern that the universe is attempting to get us to understand how to expand in the ways of perceiving and connecting with others.

I think it was perfect that I picked the Whale in the Medicine Cards for this month. I have been using the whale metaphor in trying to explain the energetic and emotional overload that so many have been feeling.

The whale is intimately aware of everything in its domain. Water conducts sound better than air and because of that anything that lives in the ocean is constantly bombarded with a cacophony of noises and information. The water signs should navigate this pattern better than perhaps some of the other signs but we will all learn and adapt as we go along. So many of us are feeling an emotional intensity and overwhelm that is vastly different than in previous times.

The crux of the matter is that we are all going to expand emotionally and spiritually. We are going to learn more about compassion and acceptance than ever before. This is a wonderful positive influence that Neptune in Pisces brings. I find that spiritual lessons are sometimes more challenging than say, making money. I think it is because of the esoteric principals that need to be learned, understood, and then finally merged with inside. This creates stages of mental development, emotional integration, and finally physical enlightened perspective.

I find that everyone seems to be searching for some type of clarity. Many feel lost and uncertain as to which way to go in their life. Chaos is the universes first wave to change. Without chaos internally, externally, and spiritually we might not move very well. We would be complacent and not need to find innovative thinking or ways to grow.

Well, I doubt any of you would say that you are feeling complacent right now. These astrological energies have felt like an itch that we cannot seem to scratch and the irritation is forcing us to move. Much like mosquitoes make the reindeer constantly be on the move to search for new food. It may feel like a never ending race. But life is about movement and if you do not move you slowly begin to die. So the universe is making this a time to change and leave the old safe grounds of our reality and we are embarking on a new adventure. The good news is that none of us are alone in this pattern. We can be of great support to each other if we just remember to stay compassionately connected and loving.

February should feel as if a bell has sounded and you are breaking out of dysfunctional patterns that have allowed you to be stuck for quite some time. In the silence that follows the shattering of the old reality you will begin to see the new vision that has been forming on the periphery of your reality. That is because an idea is stalking you. And it is an idea whose time has come.

Then comes the next problem. That new perception does not seem to fit into the old identity of self. The question becomes, “Do I stick to the old limiting perspective or do I take the risk and go for my dream?”

The answer should be obvious. Go for the dream. What do you have to loose? We have been all trying to make things work that are outmoded or are no longer functioning in our world. Change is now the necessity. Do you really want to hold on to that old pain and disappointment? Of course not! But none of us can do it alone. We are all going to need others to help and give us feedback. Just remember to pick those who want you to be the best person you can be and not those who want mold you into what they need and want.

Again, use the ocean metaphor. But in this moment be a dolphin. A dolphin can hear a human in distress and from miles away will come to the rescue of a person, just because they are aware of that persons’ situation.

This takes us to the next truth of February, “If you are aware of someone suffering or in distress check to see if it is your soul’s compassionate choice to help”. As we are within a water element we are going to become more and more aware of the slightest sounds and nuances. It may feel overwhelming.

You are not obligated to fix everyone and everything. That would be impossible. But you must feel into each situation in such a way that you connect from the heart and then it is the hearts voice of compassion that will move you in the direction of the truth for you in that moment.

We are all going to be learning strategies to navigate these deep waters. But again, you are not alone. Uranus in Aries is about the expansion of the voice of the individual but those unique and individual voices need to come together, get organized, and make the changes. No one can do it all alone anymore. We are going to need each person’s tools, skills, and wisdom to create this new world that wants to unfold. Don’t be afraid! Just try! Let go of competition and just be your authentic self. Listen to the guidance from the divine but remember that the divine also speaks through those that we trust and those that love us.

Stay open.

Remember you are here to love and let the dreams within lift you up to a shift in realms that you never believed possible.


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