Friday, January 20, 2012

The Pathway to Peace-Trust, Patience, and the Practice of Love

2011 into 2012 has been an amazing lesson in the principals of trust, patience, and the practice of love. As this challenging astrology has unfolded I must admit that I pulled out every tool in my toolbox and went in dire search for more. I am so grateful that my life has been an exploration into the technologies of consciousness and awareness. If ever there was a time when I needed tools and techniques to navigate, it was this last two years.

I have learned that the universe does not really make mistakes. If I keep to that principal then I am able to trust that what comes my way is ultimately for my own growth and evolution. But trust is difficult when the illusions in which we have based parts of our reality suddenly dissolve like salt into water.

I believe that the universe throws us curve balls to wake us up and to show us the limitations of our creations. It is easy to trust when things are going smoothly but it is very difficult when situation after situation is in constant flux.

Then the question becomes, “How do I trust when everything is changing so much that I do not know where to stand? When we feel as if we are on unstable ground, where do we step that will allow us to feel safe and secure again? What do we do?”

The answer is to risk. There really is no other choice. Or as Spock would say, “I will make my best guess that I can possibly make.”

We live in a world of perceived absolutes. (Notice the word “perceived” in that sentence.) This is not the only reality. Lets just start with how many people are on the planet and how many minds are focusing on vastly different interests and situations. Those individual minds are interested in certain things and as such will focus a majority of their time and energy into the places and things that are of interest to them. But in doing so they often miss other things that are happening in the vicinity that are right in front of them. Then someone else will notice that thing and then that second person will not be aware of some other amazing aspect of life that another will see. And it goes on and on, endlessly.

I am sure it would be almost impossible at this stage of my evolution to become completely aware of the amazing nuances that are in every moment of life. The vastness of universal mind is infinite.

I believe that universal mind does some wild and wacky things to make us shift our perception every once in a while. And then there are the times, like now, that the universal mind wants to shift everyone all at once. Not in the same way, (How boring would that be?) but in the way that causes a rapid expansion of consciousness that is beneficial to all.

That is what my limited awareness seems to perceive. I have seen so many people who are situationally being forced, coaxed, pushed, and prodded into another way of being. Whether they like it, want to, ask for it, or not.

It is in those moments that the only solace I can find is to believe that there is some grand order that I am not able to understand in that moment.

When can stand in that place, then I find the courage and strength to move and to keep on keeping on.

That then leads me to the place of patience. It is not about having patience with: God, the situation, money, time, the angels, etc. It is about having patience within myself.

Personally I find that the most difficult.

I hold myself to a standard that is ridiculously impossible at times.

I believe we all do.

Why would we hold such a difficult standard to attain? Because we all want to be worthy. For each of us “what we want to be worthy for” is different. For some of us it is about being worthy of Gods love, worthy of intimate love, worthy of great wealth, worthy of fame, worthy of feeling happy, etc.

Why do we not feel worthy?

I find for myself it is about not believing that I can trust myself. I know my mistakes, my failings, and my negative thoughts. If I cannot trust my essence how can I find the place to be patient with myself?

I used to think that patience was a natural outcome once you became enlightened. Now I think that patience is something that you constantly work on and is earned over time.

Within patience there is a trust in the natural order of things. A belief that there is a rhythm and flow to all life. We see it everywhere if we are paying attention. Nature is the great silent instructor. Every animal and plant knows that there is Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. There is a consistent order that we would just step back and witness the truth of the moment in which we are in. You never pick the flowers off a fruit tree in the Spring because you would not have fruit in the Summer and Fall. It is logical.

Then why do we think that we can dream a dream and instantly have that dream manifested? Oh, you can try but if that is outside of the natural order then you have to plant the seed and then wait. There is no need to fret or worry. It either will grow or it won’t. If it does not then we need to have more information about how to make that dream grow and fruit.

It is about trusting yourself to be able to figure out something that will eventually work. If I trust myself then I will naturally come to a place of having patience with myself.

If I am in the natural flow of life, there is no need to strive or rush. The natural response is patience.

There is always a need to stay conscious, aware, and to observe to find new more efficient ways. It is human nature to be curious and to want to understand and to know.

That is all wonderful.

In that moment all that is required is for us to understand ourselves, our own natural flow, and the circumstances in which we are placed. The next step is to find solutions to the problems being presented and then know that the universe will always create shifts eventually. But it is never in the tempo of what our mind wants. It all has to be in balance with everything and everyone around us.

Which takes us to the third pattern. The practice of love. The conclusion I have come to is that since everything is not under our control anyway and I have to trust the divine, trust myself to find the answers, learn the rhythm of the natural order, thus becoming more and more patient with the awareness that this moment is perfect and divine, then there is a newfound confidence that everything is flowing as it should. I can relax and find how to just be love.

People think that love is “falling in love”, that it is sudden, electric, spontaneous, exciting, and rare. But love is deeper and vaster than the energy that we experience as “romantic love”. The practice of love should be the basis for our life.

How can we become the walking reflection of loves presence in every moment?

Answer: It takes practice.

Which is why I say the “Practice of love”. Love is easy when it is sudden and spontaneous. But love is challenging when situations and people are being difficult. That is when you are truly practicing to be the embodiment of love. Love stretches you to go beyond your judgments. Love makes you let go of what your minds limited definition of love actually is. Love makes you get out of your comfort zone. Love is the magical ingredient that makes food art.

Love is passionate, persistent, determined. Love breaks you out of your comfort zone. Love is anything but comfortable.

Is your love big enough to embrace every situation as perfect? You do not need to know or understand. You just need to be loves presence.

Too often we think love is about getting our needs met. That is a form of love but love has a depth and breath that can take you beyond the stars if you choose.

As we evolve, we think love is about sharing and compromise. Again this is another mask that love wears. But love has faces that are infinite and diverse. Just look around at anyone in your life. They are all the faces of love. It becomes a discipline of practice to see and witness them all as the face of divine love in this moment.

The moment you recognize that you can see them as love if you choose to, everything changes. The differences go away. It is no longer about the “Me”. It just is. And that is-ness is magical. Separation goes away, differences dissolve, suffering shifts, and acceptance becomes the pathway to peace.


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