Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ralfee Finn's Weekly Astrological Report for Jan 11-17, 2012

Weekly Frequency By Ralfee Finn, Astrologer
January 11-17, 2012

So many predictions have been made about 2012, and so many of those prognostications seem so dire, I’ve been avoiding adding to the load. I often scan the news to see what’s bubbled to the surface during the transition from one year to the next, and it’s clear from recent headlines that we don’t need astrologers to tell us that we’re entering a pivotal year: 2012 is an election year in the United States, and many, if not most, of our elected officials still seem to be more interested in the power of the sound byte than the actual concerns of their constituents, a condition that tends to translate into false accusations and misinformation blaring so loudly and so constantly it’s easy to mistake the noise of media manipulation for reality. It’s also a condition that we have brought into being by our collective acceptance that sound bytes and staccato bits of information are the way to go – Twitter, anyone?

We also don’t need astrologers to tell us that we are still in the financial soup. The economy may show signs of health, but no one is talking about the credit card debt that still leaves many people gasping for air, the commercial real estate situation, the plight of students, the foreclosure miasma that is still given lip service and has devastated so many lives, or the unemployment disaster that continues to destroy so many lives. Health care is not only still a problem, but has never been so clearly the emblem of a much bigger issue: Many of us have forgotten to care about each other, and the common sense that would allow that concern has fallen out of fashion. Where is the reality TV show that demonstrates the benefits of kindness and makes altruism glamorous? Whenever I see a commercial for The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, I wonder what was it that tipped the scale of value to such an extreme that the perfection of form has so completely supplanted the significance of substance.

From an astrological perspective, there’s no telling what’s going to transpire this year because 2012 is a portal into several years of dynamic change, with Uranus, the planet of surprising plot twists leading the way, and Pluto, the symbol of change at the core, following just a hair’s breadth behind. When these two planetary archetypes unite in any arrangement, we experience profound upheaval. Time may have chosen the protestor as the 2011 person of the year, but last year’s turmoil was merely the tip of the collective iceberg. Yet as history evidences, the upheaval Uranus and Pluto symbolize is not necessarily negative; their interactions signify multidimensional revolutions that focus on issues of personal freedom as well as social justice.

So here are my predictions for 2012: “Social conscience” is its mantra. And while not everyone will be interested in chanting those words, one of this year’s red threads is recognizing where and when personal interests and collective concerns meet. Be aware: This mantra is a call to evolution, and while it’s not a new call, some of us will be feeling its necessity for the first time. Even experienced revolutionaries will need to take an inventory. There’s no longer room for polarization and exclusion. The success of humanity’s next dimensional leap depends on our ability to include the needs of all sentient beings. The only lasting revolution is evolution.


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