Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Welcoming in 2012!

Thank goodness we have made it to 2012. I think this is a year of creating a positive intention no matter what the world decides to throw at you. Have compassion for your fellow conscious travelers and try to have a sense of humor that the complex twists and turns that 2012 is going to bring. Remember that growing pains are just that sometimes. A pain. It is how we respond to that pain that makes all the difference.

I remember being a child with a broken ankle that was in a cast. The leg swelled up so much that I was in agony from the pressure behind the cast.

But I was a child and I did not have any emotional baggage around it. It was just pain. I find I can deal with pain, it is the emotional overlay that I put on things and the meaning that my brain wants to give me as to why I am experiencing that pain that is the real problem.

So this year when you experience something that causes any pain, try not to make up a story about why it is happening. Just know that the universe goes up and down and that these are just experiences that we all have. We are all in this journey together and we are all going to respond to the astrological patterns in our own unique way based on what we need to learn and how we need to grow and expand.

Stay in a place of overview, love, and acceptance of everyone in your life and we can turn this world into something magical and wondrous.


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