Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 6/15/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 6/15/17
6/15/17 is the number 4. Take a few breaths and drop into a more relaxed place of consciousness. Life will always bring moments when you need to stand in your own center rather than be in the swirling chaos that threatens to suffocate you with the darkness that has been being cultivated in this painful world. Neutrality takes balance internally to expand externally into the world. But it is a trick to recognize the darkness and to not be consumed by it. You cannot deny the shadow that is attempting to dominate consciousness at the moment globally. You cannot dispel the darkness by ignoring it. You must see it confront it and become brighter, lighter, and stronger than it. It is time to come together to stand as a unified front of good and to stop those that have the power that perpetuate the darkness, feed it, and create it with the intent to cause suffering to others.
Check your feelings on Thursday and Friday when the moon moves into sensitive Pisces. The Sun is opposite Saturn early on Thursday, and Neptune is slowing down to turn retrograde on Friday morning. All of that can have you feeling tired or wanting to retreat from the harsh world. While the Pisces Moon influence can stimulate a need for escape from the routine, the Sun perfects its opposition to Saturn this morning, and you may be dealing with a reality check that is causing you to rethink a few things. This is a time for making some adjustments and catching up on responsibilities that you might have been neglecting. A Venus-Saturn sesquiquadrate suggests reserved or mature interactions and heightened awareness of the practical side of your relationships. The Moon's trine to Mars this afternoon supports taking action on your feelings. You are moving towards a quincunx between Mercury and Pluto, exactly early in the AM tomorrow, and you may be doubting or second-guessing your choices. You can have a hard time getting your message across or coming to a definite decision/conclusion. Be aware that you could trigger negative responses from others. You might have a hard time digesting or accepting certain news or information.
~Suzanne Wagner~

You can ignore the reality
but you can’t avoid
the consequences
of avoiding reality
~Ayn Rand~

You cannot go run and hide
You have to stand up to the lie.
The lie that you are being fed
The lies that have filled up your head.
Those thoughts become a toxic soup.
One that wants you to collapse and stoop.
You cannot have it both ways.
You cannot lie and want others to pay.
There are consequences for not being true.
There are consequences for wanting to construe.
Without change from the deepest place,
Of humbled head with clarity and grace,
Only then will change begin.
Only then will the chaos be reined in.
~Suzanne Wagner


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