Sunday, August 16, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 8/17/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/17/15
August 17th is the number 6. So this is a moment of reflection on what has just transpired in the last few days. Take a look at those who really care about you and know how to express that feeling in ways that touch your heart and soul. Let that sink in and become a part of your unfolding reality. It is time to be around those who touch your essence and can fully take you in. The Moon continues to transit earthy Virgo until 4:24 PM EDT, making it a good time to clear up the clutter in your life. You can be especially productive under the influence of a Virgo Moon, as long as you avoid the potential pitfalls, which are nervousness and anxiety. The Moon's sextile to Saturn early afternoon helps you to prioritize. You are inclined to become more analytical, critical, and technical now. Your emotional orientation shifts when the Moon enters Libra at 4:24 PM. You are still very much interested in creating order, but now you may tend to do so through pleasing interactions with others and aesthetics in your environment.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Tomorrow you promise yourself will be different, yet tomorrow is too often a repetition of today.
~James T. McCay



At 10:37 AM, Blogger reformingegotist said...

I love, love, love your entries! Each section seems to pick up on the energies of the day, and always teaches me something. Today's quote from Socrates spoke directly to, solved and gave direction to my confusion concerning current political/religious goals. (Your thinking about truth being revealed in this election cycle yesterday gave me hope.) Today's blog encouraged me to be honest with my life as it is and to remember the aspirations of my best self. It was also the reminder that we allow the creation our future selves by energizing the positive and releasing the negative energies of our present realities. Birthdays are wonderful times to feel the love of those who appreciate you, and you must have many who do. Thank you.


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