Sunday, August 09, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 8/10/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/10/15
Today is the number 8. This number today, puts an exclamation at the end of your sentences, with the internal question being, “Are you doing to harness this energetic intensity and make the changes that you know you need to make or are you going to remain stuck and wallowing in the old emotional drama that has successfully kept you small?” It is up to you. Planets are aligning with their prospective signs and you will feel as if you can no longer wait for the perfect moment. You have to choose and the time in now. Make a decision based on your deepest heart knowing. Yes, you will have to grieve the past and let it go. That is always difficult but if you wait any longer you risk missing this wave of energy and you never know when the next one might come along. The Moon is in Gemini until 8:09 AM EDT, when it enters Cancer, and you have this moment when the Sun and the Moon are in the signs that they rule. (Mercury is in Virgo, which it co-rules). There is a lot of kindness and caring now, and perhaps a need to take care of or protect others. Mercury (which is in a minor challenging aspect to Uranus today) can point to some tendency to scatter your thoughts and for a type of mental tension. Be careful because this can lead to making mistakes or misunderstandings in communication. But the good news is that fresh and creative ideas may come to you during this time also.

~Suzanne Wagner~

There are things we don’t want to happen but have to accept. Things we don’t want to know but have to learn and people we can’t live without but have to let go.
~Criminal Minds~



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