Friday, September 28, 2012

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of October 2012

Learning to know when to trust your inner guidance and when not to trust is a test of understanding flow. It is your soul’s mission to uncover your highest self in this lifetime and then to express that in meaningful ways. 

October is a month when the whisperings of the soul seem to become louder and the doorways become more obvious to walk through. That should come as a huge relief to everyone. 2012 has been a year of knowing you need to move but not knowing where, when, how, or what. It has been frustratingly slow and nothing seems to have moved in the fashion any of us wanted. But in October the energy begins to clear. A big reason for that is the Saturn the planet of hard work and struggle finally leaves Libra and moves into Scorpio creating a mutual reception to Pluto in Capricorn. Translated that allows some much needed movement and rebirth of direction, possibilities, and flow. It is as if there is finally enough water in the bay to float your boat and movement seems at last possible. 
Things may cascade forward and these aspects not only create physical movement but also a sense that some of the misery and anxiety over the past 9 months is finally shifting into something more positive. 

We have all been looking for our appropriate place. So many things get in the way of finding “home” internally and externally. We always have to start with the internal to get to the external. This recession has been so difficult for everyone that we kept looking for external fixes to shift our internal state of dis-ease. 2012 has been a year when the emotions, upsets, and upheavals caught up to us and we could no longer hide our head in the sand. Everyone has made some tremendously difficult decisions and has had to face the feeling of failure within. October lets us know and accept that change is inevitable and it also lets us feel as if things are going to be okay even though they did not work out the way our ego had wanted. There is a great deal of peace when we get to the place of acceptance of our situation and the choices that have to be made.

The pathway through the density could only be found at the bottom of the difficult emotions we were facing. When we allowed our self to honestly evaluate our situation and accept the reality that was plainly presenting in front of us, then there is a doorway.
That doorway is devotion. Not just devotion to a religion or a spiritual path but devotion to our soul’s journey. Devotion to the fact that our personal journey is fraught with twists and turns. It is the devotion to our path, whether you knew you were devoted to it or not, has been what has created the monsters jumping out of the sand to test us and to guide us to more awareness.

Sometimes that awareness is about compassion. It is only through going through the hard times that we feel a depth of peace, understanding, and acceptance of our self that we can have that compassion for others. 

I find that when I am at my bottom, I touch the true heart of my soul. I feel my love, tenderness, desire, passion, and light. I can feel how strong my yearning is for expansion and growth. Then my devotion (that has been guiding me throughout my life) becomes conscious and something shifts.

I find grace. 

Grace is a beautiful thing and grace is places of peace because it knows that each soul is on its own quest and those quests are as vast and divine as mine. When I touch my grace I accept the moment and I do not need to change anyone or anything. I see the divine moving in everyone. Each moment becomes a miracle unfolding in all its complexity and mystery.

My words become a soft and sweet reflection of love and there is no need to push or force anyone to do anything differently. Through grace I no longer need something for myself. I know that I am guided at each and every moment and so is everyone else.
In those moments, striving seems like the ego’s last hold over me and I understand that regardless to what I think the path is, my soul and the divine has a much better plan and I am in each and every moment following some thread that is my cores desire to become whole. 

This month let the bat show you the way through the dissolution of your ego. Like the fox you may be seen or others may not see you. In truth that is not really important anyway. Others can only see you if you are in the frequency under which they are living their life. When you shift frequencies those in your old pattern may not even see you. But those on the next level will. Allow your old reality to dissolve in the waters of grace and you will find where you truly belong.


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