Monday, December 26, 2011

Intuitive Patterns for January 2012

My first response to pulling these cards for the January Catalyst was, “Oh, my! 2012 is going to come in with a bang!”

It seems the eclipses of November and December will get some big things rolling for everyone and the changes will seem dramatic in January.

Yes, I know that everyone is jittery about the 2012 Mayan Calendar predictions and there are many groups out there that are apocalyptic and looking to 2012 to be the end of the world.

Well, I am not one of those people. So just take a deep breath and lets take this a step at a time.

June 24th, 2012 is the first of seven Uranus/Pluto squares (the last one will be in 2015). This event takes place twice in somewhat irregular 120+ year patterns. The last time this conjunction took place was the 1930’s. If you remember that time, Hitler and Stalin were having an almost hypnotic hold on populations. There were great challenges and people were concerned about the welfare of themselves, their country, and financial issues.

Sound familiar?

So what we need during this time is to have a solid head on our shoulders and to be able to discern with clarity the many actors on this political and global field of play. Let’s not get caught up in the rhetoric of dangerous egomaniacs, as some of our predecessors did in the 1930’s.

We need to look past our need to see danger and drama everywhere. We need to step out of the thoughts that it is them or us. We need to look calmly to the future as to what serves the greater whole of our country and the world. That may or may not be what we want. What we need to choose is what is real, what is doable, and what makes the most sense for everyone and our future.

The fact is that none of us can go back. No matter how much we glamorize the past, the past is over. It is dead. It is unhealthy to live in delusions, regrets, and desires of the past.

Just ask any therapist.

We need to look forward to the potential for our children and our children’s children. They live in a very different world then us. Just look at how technologically advanced they are. They are not interested in what their parents were interested in. Their skill and forward thinking is where we are headed whether we like it or not. So how do we choose with conscious clarity to move forward and create structures and boundaries that allow for creative growth and balance that with some home grown common sense?

That is the challenge that January presents.

Sometimes we just have to let it all go and open to another way or view. We all have opinions about everything. But how often do those fears actually become the reality.

When world and astrological energies are pulling in different directions it tears at the very fabric of reality. The result is often another way opens up right in the center of the old reality that has been torn asunder. There is always a way that we do not perceive with our old eyes. But sometimes we have to let go and break down our old self in order to find that sometimes in rebellion there is a wealth of dreams and possibilities.

It is difficult to not want to grasp at being right. It is challenging to not offer an opinion when you are not sure of the validity of that opinion. It is so hard to practice observation and compassion. Minds love to polarize and show conflict. That is how they keep control. It is mature to observe the dialogue of the mind and not get caught up in it at the same time.

This year is going to bring to the surface the intense disappointments and resentments of your past. But recognize them as past patterns and attempt to not paste the past images of suffering on this present circumstance.

Let go.

Trust life.

Trust that there is something outside of us that has more wisdom and clarity. Allow that to unravel the old and bring in the new. It might be scary. It might bring up past painful memories. But those need to clear and heal anyway. You can waste a lot of energy pushing down the suffering and unhealed emotions within. It is time to let them out for some fresh air.

Let go of the need to be right. Feel the truth of your unhealed emotions. Love them into your awareness and in doing so set yourself and everyone else in your life free.


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