Thursday, December 01, 2011

Ralfee Finn's Weekly Astrological Report for Nov 30, 2011

This is one of my favorite astrologers. I thought this was particularly interesting this week. I hope you all enjoy it.

Ralfee Finn's Weekly Frequency
November 30, 2011

The only way I know to express the astral intensity of this week and the next several weeks is to modify that old cliché: “Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a wild ride.” And while you may think that I am exaggerating, over the course of the coming days and nights, as emotional tides rise to higher-than-usual holiday levels, you’re more likely to think that I was underestimating the intensity. As families and friends gather to celebrate a variety of festivals that began with Thanksgiving, and will crescendo with the solstice (in all its iterations, from the actual day of the return of the light to Hannukah to Christmas to Kwanza) and ends with the New Year (which is also solstice-related), deep-seated and long denied feelings are likely to surge through the festivities, adding new depth to the meaning of “dysfunctional.” (I’m tired just thinking about it.) Be prepared for meltdowns, as well as a wide range of declarations, some pronouncing independence, and others proclaiming revolution. The best way to ride these planetary waves is to remember the underlying message of the season: Peace and goodwill.
Several sources contribute to this week’s complexity: First, we are in the wake of a solar eclipse on November 25 and headed straight for the swell of a lunar eclipse on December 10. So don’t be surprised if the world continues to wobble. The eclipse effect is often felt before and after the actual events, which is why they are believed to distort time. Add in Mercury Retrograde, and that time distortion is off the charts. This is the final Mercury Retrograde of the year, which means some of its review is going to include looking back on the details of twelve months of unbelievable shifts, personal and collective – a review, by the way, that is completely appropriate for this time of year.
Unfortunately, the frustration of the retrograde is going to collide with two equally potent configurations: A Venus/Pluto conjunction stimulates everyone’s need to have it their way, especially when it comes to love. The signature of this conjunction is fanatic love. So don’t be surprised if you become obsessed with someone or something. And while passion is always a good thing, Pluto often insists on having its desires acknowledged. And given that we are also in a Sun/Mars square, the inclination to push to have want we want is also going to be off the charts. A square between the Sun and Mars tends to incline dispositions toward being hasty, restless, and irritable. (I won’t make my joke about those Disney dwarves just yet.) As that hot-blooded wind coalesces with the insistence of Pluto/Venus and the “detail fatigue” of Mercury Retrograde, many of us are likely to be more than just a tad testy.

I realize you might get tired of the constant reminder to “play nice with the other children,” but given the escalating existential anxiety about our personal and collective situations, making kindness a constant companion through this holiday season is still the wisest possible choice.


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