Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More About December, 2009

In December, take some time to support and give assistance to those who you feel need and deserve your time and attention. Recently I heard that Volunteers for America at: 655 South State Street in Salt Lake City, run a day center for Homeless Youth. During the day those kids have a place to go and get out of the cold. Unfortunately, at night they are out on the streets or in homeless shelters.

So this weekend I went through my old clothes and purses (checking to make sure there were no valuable items in them) and gave them to the Homeless Youth Day Shelter. I also gave 10- $10.00 gift certificates for food to them also. It was clear when I went in that these kids really do need help.

As I went in there was a young man looking through clothes that had been donated. As he looked up at me, I saw that he had two black and blue eyes. His face looked like he had been pummeled.

My heart went out to him. He was barely in his body. His spirit was trying to survive and it was all he could do in that moment. I am always amazed by the strength of the human spirit. But I also want to support each of us in opening our hearts to those who are suffering.

Each of you will be drawn to help those in need in your own way. It is not hard. Just follow the impulses of your heart. You will know what to do. Remember, you cannot do everything. But every little bit helps someone in some way.

I notice for myself that when I get scared or find myself moving into feelings of lack, all I have to do is do something for someone else. That immediately pulls me out of my personal drama. By becoming present with others I can instantly feel the huge gifts and support that I have from the universe.

In Buddhism there are two forms of merits. Merits are the plus points that you have earned from other lifetimes that support you in this life. Some call it luck. Some see it as opportunities that magically appear just when you really need them. They say you only take your good deeds and love with you when you die. That is a great incentive for me to remember to love others as fully, deeply, and openly as is appropriate for each situation and circumstance. It also reminds me that good deeds the come from my heart will accumulate in other times and show up when I need them the most. So every place I can be supportive to those suffering, I am also magically giving myself that same gift at a later time.

So the two types of merits are: 1. Abundance merits. 2. Ability to hold on to the abundance merits.

The first one is easier to acquire. It is a merit that allows you to manifest money, wealth, opportunity, dreams, businesses, and the completion of projects and goals.

But the second one is much more difficult to acquire and to hold on to. This one requires you to believe in yourself enough to know that you can manifest but that you also deserve and have earned to feel the abundance. Not just to give it all away but also to know that you can create safety and security for yourself and your family because you are love and you are worthy of the infinite gifts that the universe is offering to everyone all the time. It is our unworthiness that prevents us from fully enjoying our self, our life, and our abundance.

Many clients come in and want to manifest abundance. I try to explain that acquiring abundance takes diligence, determination, and follow through. But knowing how to keep it requires you to know yourself so well that you know that you are abundance and that you are worthy of the tremendous flow that is available to everyone.

If you do not have abundance some part of you does not believe that you deserve it. By giving to others and opening your heart you will learn that your love and life is a constant gift to everyone you meet and connect to. Then there is no way to not know and accept that you are abundance and deserving of the infinite gifts that this world offers.

So this December, give of your heart and soul. Feel yourself manifesting merits for your future by openly and honestly giving your gifts. In doing that know that you are safe, supported, protected, and worthy of great things. Then allow the giving of your essence to breath life back into your being.


At 1:13 AM, Blogger Jan Archuleta said...

Great postings Suzanne, thanks.


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