Step out of Boomeritis and Relax
June is bringing with it some complex dynamic energy that seems to be affecting everyone. It seems as if things are in a holding position waiting for something. There is a sense of stuck anticipation hanging in the air.
As a psychic, I tend to see patterns that influence each of us along our path. I believe these are at times global astrological energies that are naturally affecting each of us differently as we progress along our respective pathways.
The pattern for this month seems to be challenging to everyone in a financial way. I notice that many are feeling tight in the pocketbook and everyone seems to be trying to find ways to cut back and become more fiscally responsible.
Astrologically there has been a desire for expansion but a deep despair at believing that any one person can actually make a difference. This energy will ease up by the end of the month. In the meantime it is good to stay practical and grounded. You may find it difficult to keep a positive attitude for the projects that you want to manifest. Things may seem to be discombobulated and chaotic, exacerbating the despair and frustration that anything will actually happen.
Take a moment to breathe and believe in you. Do not expect the universe to give you your pictures. It is good to have the dreams and to learn to move in a positive direction towards them. And it is also good to remember that just because your mind can see an event does not always mean that you will get that exact picture down the road. I know that is frustrating but it is just the nature of being alive and on earth. We are here to grow and learn though challenges. Growth sometimes comes in the form of disappointments that help us refine the difference between our illusions and the manifestation of our true potential.
What is important is to remember to continue towards the expression of your gifts and abilities. Learn to be in the present moment and find the joy in the simple pleasures rather than getting caught up in Boomeritis.
Boomeritis is a term that was created by Ken Wilber (writer and philosopher) in his book by that same name. The term comes from the changes in our society over the last hundred years that have shifted human perspective radically.
Before the 1950’s humanity had been very preoccupied with survival. We went through two world wars, the Great Depression, the Korean War, etc. Our parents and grandparents did not have the luxury to dream of a life of fulfillment. They could only deal with the tremendous day-to-day reality that was right in front of them. In the 1950’s suddenly we entered into a new world that had more peace and freedom than any culture previously and that comfort and prosperity brought with it a new generation of humanity that instead of just trying to survive wanted instead to find totally fulfillment, money, and success. So the entire baby boomer generations have been on a spiritual, financial quest for MORE.
This is why Ken Wilber referred to it as Boomeritis. We now have an unprecedented expectation for our lives. Normal life seems to have little value. We expect ourselves to do something miraculous, marvelous, and special. This puts a tremendous burden on each of us and does not allow us to enjoy the small things that allow us to be human.
There are now companies that actually have vacation police.
I think that is so interesting. Corporations now know that if their employees do not actually take vacations they are less productive and more irritable.
We have trained ourselves to find value in our work and what we can accomplish in a day. We have chosen to believe that when we work harder and with longer hours that we have more value and others will notice our contributions more.
In actuality we seem to be shooting ourselves in the foot.
So now companies have vacation police that actually force employees to take their vacations. This is an excellent trend to hopefully untrain our baby boomers to find more joy in simple things and taking time off.
So since we are in the time of summer vacations, why not take one. Step back into the simple pleasures of life. Let go of all those expectations for a moment. Allow the true self to breathe for a minute and relax. Who knows maybe another door will open that allows more ease, flow, and grace into your life.
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