Friday, November 03, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 11/4/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 11/4/17

I am back to my computer and a better internet.

11/4/17 is the number 7. I am having an experience that is perfect for the number 7 as I am in another place and time. In Nepal, it is as if parts of time stand still and the structure of life is simpler. That simplicity makes it have a type of grounded reality that takes you out of your mind and forces you into the truth that is reality. There are so many things in life that our mind can get distracted by that allow us to focus on things that are not of real importance. But when life is basic and moving from that timeless place that humanity has walked for millennium, perception shifts into a very new place. Self-importance evaporates and with that the chaos that the mind and ego use to confuse and complicate things into the endless distractions becomes ridiculous exercises in avoidance. Therefore, the strategy today is to get back to what is really essential and important. Simplify and tap into that essential wisdom of your ancestors that learned to do what was right in front of them and to relentlessly keep on, keeping on. You will notice how much you will get done that really matters to you and how much the childish distractions of the mind pull you out of awareness and presence.
Early today, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Taurus, as the Moon opposes the Scorpio Sun. This lunation is particularly close to the earth such that you may feel this energy a little more strongly, and it occurs at approximately the same time as a Venus-Uranus opposition. Full Moons always pit opposite signs of the zodiac against each other but it is also an invitation to find a new place of balance between the opposing energies. The contrast between earthy, practical, peace-loving Taurus that is searching for financial security and the emotional security seeking, transformative, crisis-oriented sign of Scorpio comes into your full awareness. This is a passionate and creative Full Moon, ripe with possibilities and learning experiences. All your intimate relationship issues matter now more than ever. You seek personal comfort, sexual satisfaction, and a rediscovery of your personal values. You are attempting to awaken to a new way of doing things and enjoying yourself. The Full Moon itself connects with Jupiter and harmonizes with Neptune, as both bodies get closer and closer to an exact trine, emphasizing the fertility, imagination, and bringing the potential of new realizations and epiphanies. While there can be a tug of war between closeness and independence now, it is a good time to discover ways to interact while honoring both sides of your nature. Venus forms a sesquiquadrate with Neptune this afternoon, so be aware that you are temporarily inclined to see one another through the lens of wishful thinking. The Moon spends the day in the sign of Taurus.
~Suzanne Wagner~

What you have right now
is greater than anything
you have ever had
in any other lifetime.
~Suzanne Wagner~

In this world but not of this life
creates only fear and endless strife.
You cannot become what you came to be
When you get lost in the minds chaotic sea.
There is a life that is beyond what you know.
There is a life in a place that is slow.
Take a moment and stop your old life
Peel away the illusions with wildlife.
Discover the self of wonder and delight
Allow the child have moments that highlight,
The magic that awaits when you open your eyes
The power that comes when you allow in surprise.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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